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95% Off The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! Coupon

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With the introduction of smartphones, mobile app development has become increasingly important. With the help of mobile app development, new apps are developed every day for the two major platforms which are iOS and Android. Speaking of mobile app development, cross-platform development is a rising trend because of the increasing demand for different mobile apps. This is where the need of Xamarin comes in.

With the help of Xamarin, app developers can create cross-platform apps using C#. Other than that, Xamarin also has other benefits over the other app developing software. If you are interested in cross-platform app development then, you can go through this article for a complete review of the course ‘The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android!

What is Xamarin?

Before we move into any details about the course, it is better that you first gain some knowledge about Xamarin. Xamarin is basically a company that is owned by Microsoft which allows developers to create cross platforms apps using C#-shared codebase. This allows developers to write iOS and Android apps with share code and native user interfaces. To put it in simple words, with the help of Xamarin you are required to create an app only once and then, you can deploy it to both iOS and Android, both of which run natively on the platform. In short, one code bases two platforms.

People who have knowledge about Xamarin and have learned to use it to create apps are considered to be valuable for employers all across the world. Thus, it can be concluded that if you are equipped with the knowledge of Xamarin then you can easily secure a job in any of the top most companies in the world. To get started, we recommend The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! course for you.

What are The Benefits of Xamarin?

Xamarin has a lot of benefits which we are going to discuss below:

Code sharing across multiple platforms:

One of the main advantages of using Xamarin is that it helps in sharing of codes across diverse platforms. Developers need to know much more than one language if, they want to succeed in the development of native apps. Languages include java, swift and objective C etc. the code is known to be optimized in a particular platform while dealing with native apps that cannot run on either one of them.

Xamarin however, is cross-platform. It is software which is known to use C# to help in the creation of app logic which is used for database interactions, input validations, web service calls and also back-in integration etc. It is a fact that 75% of the code is known to be shared around the various platforms.

Lesser development time:

The next advantage while dealing with this particular software is that it takes less time for its development process. Developers have to build separate codes for the various platforms dealing with native apps because they are platform dependent. This has been known to indirectly increase the time for development. Xamarin has been known to share similar codes on the varied platforms and also reduce the time that is required for development.

Flawless UI:

Another great advantage of using this particular software is its user-interface. Xamarin has been known to have the UI design for the Xamarin studio and also the visual studio. They have been known to offer specialized design tools including UX and UI. The platform-specific UI has been known to allow the developers to create a user experience that is flawless.

No hardware compatibility issues:

Another important advantage of using this particular software is that it doesn’t have any hardware related issues. With the help of specific APIs and other plug-ins, Xamarin has been known to eliminate all the hardware compatibility issues that exist. This basically helps the user in making the work easy while they are dealing with common functionalities. Xamarin has also been known to link along with native libraries. They have been known to allow functionality at a native level and also help in better customization.

PCL libraries:

Another important advantage while dealing with this particular software is the PCL libraries. Xamarin has been known to make the work much easier for the developers. This is done by making the coding target much simpler. This is because it has been known to support all the various libraries. This basically helps in making the development process much more easy and effortless, simultaneously executing varied complex functionalities.

Low maintenance cost:

Another great advantage of using this particular software is that the maintenance cost is very low. As the code has been restricted to certain types of platforms which is why the effort that is needed to maintain the logic at all platforms increases. As there is no requirement to build new codes and also follows the same process of updating the logic, debugging and also the efforts of maintaining the codes are decreased. The costs are reduced as well.

Reduced engineering cost:

Another great advantage of using this particular software is the fact that the engineering costs are reduced. It is a known fact that native app development does require different codes for varied platforms. The developers have been known to become busy with building separately the same code for varied environments. This has been known to increase the development process which is also followed by testing and debugging.

This indirectly leads to the increase in the cost of engineering. On the other hand, if Xamarin chose to be the development tool then, the majority of the effort that is needed to create only specific UIs like for example C# will be known to be a shared codebase. Eventually, this helps in reducing the resources that are required for the entire development process.

No need to switch development environments:

Another important advantage of using this particular software is that there is no need to switch the varied developments environments. Native apps have been known to require certain specific development environments. This is because they are known to be platform dependent. If there are any changes that are required to be made in the code, then developers have to switch to the specific environment first.

After the process has been followed the developers can then implement the various changes. Xamarin has been known to work in both visual studios (Windows) and also Xamarin (Mac). This is why developers do not need to switch the development environments while they are building the code.

Forms make it faster:

Another great advantage of using this particular software is that it makes the forms faster. Developers have been known to use Xamarin.forms. They have been known to use Xamarin.forms over Xamarin native only when they need to design the views that were once shared having the same views all across the different platforms. While using Xamarin native the developer does need to learn all the native UI which eventually leads to the increase of the development cycle.

Not native but close to native:

Lastly, this is considered to be one of the main advantages of using this particular software. Developers have been known to constantly improve the UI in Xamarin so that they can match the native standards. The user-interface that has been known to have been made with native controls with the help of Xamarin.forms does give the user a complete native UI experience. In the coming years, it is presumed that the software will improve and also will be able to match the standards that have been set by native development.

Xamarin has been considered to possess a powerful skill-set and is also known to be fast in development. Currently, it has been known to be the most popular mobile app that is being used today including its rich features and also the benefits that it provides. It has also been known to be a growing community of various developers who are constantly working on the fact of making enhancements to the software. This is being done to improve its performance in the near future.

What Will You Learn In The Complete Xamarin Developer Course?

The things that you are going to learn in this complete Xamarin feveloper course are as follows:

  • The first thing that you are going to learn in this course is the creation of iOS and Android apps that share up to 100% code.
  • Upon the completion of the course, you can apply for junior mobile development positions (Android and iOS).
  • With the help of this course, you can actually enhance your career chances as a multi-platform developer.
  • By learning Xamarin you can avail opportunities to build Windows Store, Windows Desktop, Mac, and even smartwatch apps that share the logic of your Android and iOS app.

So, these are the things that you are going to learn in this particular course. One thing that is clear from the above points that upon the completion of the Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! course you can turn out to be a professional app developer qualified enough to secure a job in the topmost app developing companies of the world. Since there is a great demand for the cross-platform developer, you will be able to secure a job easily.

What are The Requirements for This Xamarin Development Course?

In order to take up this course you have to fulfill the following the requirements first:

  • Candidates willing to take up this course are required to have a Windows computer with 8.1 or higher for the first part of this course (Xamarin forms) or you can also use Windows 7 or higher for the Xamarin classic part of the course.
  • Candidates interested to take up this course are also required to have a Mac computer with OS X EI Capitan (10.11) or higher in order to use a Mac for Xamarin development.
  • In order to test iOS apps, you will be requiring a Mac. However, you can design or code them using your Windows computer as well.

Now that you know about the full requirements of the course it will be easier for you to decide that whether or not you are eligible enough to take up this course. If you can fulfill all the requirements then, you can take up the course in order to benefit yourself.

What Will The Xamarin Course Provide You?

Candidates willing to take up this course can vail the following things from this particular course:

  • 25 hours of on-demand video tutorial for your guidance.
  • 2 articles
  • Full lifetime access to all the study materials.
  • Access to mobile and TV.
  • Candidates will also get a Certificate of Completion after they complete the course. The certificate has a great value in the job market.

So, these are the following things that you can avail by taking up this course. All the study materials that are provided with the course are quality content which can help you to learn better and understand the topic better.

If you’re interested in learning more about app development courses, refer to top-rated courses here:

The Complete Android N Developer Course
Android O & Java – Mobile App Development | Beginning to End
The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
iOS 10 & Swift 3: From Beginner to Paid Professional™
The Complete iOS 10 & Swift 3 Developer

Tips: Look at an easy video guide on how to use the 95% off The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! coupon, get a low price at only $9.99.

Who is the target audience for this course?

Now let us look into who is the targeted audience for this particular course:

  • Firstly, any person who would like to learn anything about coding and Xamarin should definitely look into this course. This basically means that coding in Xamarin has an essential necessity which is taking this particular course. People who are interested should definitely look into it.
  • Secondly, it is essential that the persons who are looking forward to learning how to code in Xamarin should have the knowledge of programming. It is desirable if the person possesses some knowledge related to programming. However, this is not an essential feature.

So if, you belong to any of the categories then, you should definitely take up this course in order to benefit themselves in the future.

Thus, from the above discussion, it is clear that anybody who wants to advance their careers in cross-platform development can take up this particular course in order to benefit themselves. People taking up this ‘The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android!’ course can also secure a good job in any of the top companies and earn a good salary.

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