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95% Off The Complete Android N Developer Course Coupon

Take This Course Now for 95% Off!

Master in Using Android 7 Nougat, Be Expert in Building Real-World Android Apps

If mobile phones are routed to be one of the most inspiring inventions of mankind which has made lives easier, then the applications on the phone are what makes the day-to-day activities of our lives even simpler. The companies which are the brain behind all these applications have generated a lot of revenue over the years. If you take up The Complete Android N Developer Course, you can develop some of the top applications like Ola, Uber, and WhatsApp and you can earn a lot. Application development holds a great future; this course helps you to make top-notch applications.

The course titled, “The Complete Android N Developer Course” makes you take your imagination to a whole new level and make apps that will make huge waves in the market. By taking up this course, you can bag some of the top paying firms of the world, you could also start working as a freelance app developer and start making applications that would help you earn a lot. This course is a wholesome package. There are very few courses that impart basic skills and also impart the highest level of skills that are required to develop applications that you can make huge turnovers. The other details of this course are shared below.

What is this course more particularly inclined towards Android application development?

This course is inclined towards mobile application development for android as android phones are used in large numbers. The course also aims to teach coding to those who do not have any idea about coding, so trying to teach Swift, which is the language for iOS application development is not an easy take whereas Java which is the language of Android can be easily taught to students. This is why the course focuses on android application development.

Why should you learn app development?

Application development is one of the rapidly growing fields. The application developers are the ones who are paid very high. Moreover, the world is digitizing at a rapid pace. Any field has a digital interface to its customers and there is a constant demand for those who develop top-notch applications. So, developing one’s skillset in application development will reap a lot of benefits.

What is covered in this Android developer course?

These are the following topics that are covered in The Complete Android N Developer Course.

  • The entire course runs for about 32 hours.
  • The course is divided into 272 lectures.
  • The lecture videos are compiled into sections.

#The first section speaks about the introduction of this course. What application development is all about and what does one gain out of this course? Where can one find free reading materials for this course and how should one go about this course and all the other common doubts that might arise are discussed in this course.

#The second section provides a brief introduction to Android Studio. The Android Studio is the overall package that helps in the creation of mobile applications. The installation procedure of android applications keeps varying from one operating system to another. There is a different installation procedure followed in iOS platforms, an even more different installation procedure is followed in Mac platforms etc., The various operations that can be performed in this software like buttons, text formatting are taught in this section.

#The third section covers all the important concepts that relate to Java. Right from variables to the important concepts like object-oriented programming are covered in this course.

#The fourth and the fifth section covers the topics that add a lot of features to the application.

#The sixth section teaches you on how to add the map feature to your application. If you are planning to build an application that is similar to Ola or Uber, then you should know how you should be adding the map feature to the application.

#The seventh section teaches you of how to store the huge amount of data. The process of accessing the data using languages like SQL is also learned here.

#The eighth section is one of the most interesting parts of this course. This section teaches you to build an application that is more or less similar to Instagram. We know that Instagram is one of the best photo sharing applications despite all the other applications that are available for photo sharing. The UI design of the application, the excellent data storage of this app is what makes it most successful even after the advent of other applications. The instructor has studied thoroughly the working intricacies of this application and what it takes to build an application like Instagram. One can read this section clearly and develop an application that is sure to make it big in the market like Instagram.

#The ninth section of this course is one gets to learn of how to build an application like Uber. We know that Uber is one transport-based application that has a global market. The methods using which the Uber application was built were learned and the instructor teaches the app building in one of the simplest manners. Since already the method to add features to your application like the buttons and the process to add maps are brief, it becomes easy for one to cover this section. In fact, even the other transport-based applications have taken inspiration from Uber. Upon learning this section, though you are a newbie you can develop multi-billion dollar applications like this with ease.

#The tenth section of this course is indeed one of the intriguing portions as it teaches you the how’s and what’s of this very famous game called the Flappy Bird. The history of this game development, the coding style of this game are all discussed here so that it is easy for the ones with not much knowledge about coding to understand.

#The eleventh section of this course is all about learning about how to add the extra features. The extra features that make your app more interactive in nature like the Bluetooth, version control, multi-screen modes etc.,

#The twelfth section of this course teaches you about Android Wear. Now that, you have already learned about Android Studio, you can start learning about Android Wear. The details like how to go about this course, the usage of Android wear is all covered in this section.

#The thirteenth section teaches you about how to submit your application to Google Play is taught. Thus, one can see as to how the instructor takes much care to make sure that every single detail about application development is covered in this course.

#The fourteenth section teaches you on how to set up a marketing site like WordPress for your site. The marketing is vital for any application to reach to the masses. The usage of WordPress is covered in this section.

#The fifteenth section teaches you on how to build a clone of world’s most used information delivery application called the Twitter. The Twitter’s functionalities and the efficient data transmission is thoroughly studied and it is taught in this section on how to build an excellent Twitter clone.

#The sixteenth section helps one to create an application that is similar to the world’s largest used application called the WhatsApp. The chat settings of the application, the other important minute detailing of the application is observed and are taught so that the candidate can build an app that has the features of WhatsApp and also some other unique features that he can add on his own.

#The seventeenth section enlightens the candidate on what he should be doing next after taking up this course.

#The eighteenth section of this course is all about a re-introduction to the marketing strategies that can be used for this course.

#The nineteenth section is a small recap of what all has been covered in this course. This helps the candidate to recall all the main concepts he has learned from this course.

#The 20th, 21st, and the 22nd sections teach you all about the extreme marketing strategies that are used in this course. There are so many types of marketing that two entire sections are dedicated to imparting the required marketing knowledge to the candidate. Just like the optimization methods that are used for search engines, there are certain optimization methods for the application too. The method of paying to develop the views of the application, the need of a website for the promotion of the application and the other needs for marketing is discussed here.

What are The Salient Features of This Android N Development Course?

These are the salient features of The Complete Android N Developer Course.

  • More than 32 hours of video lectures

The USP of this course is that it covers everything from the basics to the main concepts within the stipulated time of 32 hours. The ones who have taken up this course without prior experience in coding have ended up making some great applications. They all attribute their success to this excellent time they have spent in learning this course.

  • Great style of teaching

It is not an easy task to make a person who has zero ideas about coding to develop applications that are top notch. This is due to the excellent content that was delivered by the instructor. The instructor is a mathematics degree holder from the famous Cambridge University. He had always loved coding, so he gave up his job as a teacher and started working as a freelance website developer. The instructor teaches to the kids of summer school. Thus, he is having the flair to make the adults with no coding knowledge to understand the deep concepts as well.

  • Extra reading materials

Apart from the long hours of top quality video lectures, the course also provides 106 articles that can be downloaded and 47 Supplementary reading materials. These can be stored in one’s phone and one can read it to understand the definitions of certain technologies that have been used in this course. This is a boon for those who can scan through pages of content in seconds.

  • Facilitates Learning Anytime Anywhere

The Complete Android N Developer Course can be taken up any time after you had paid. The course does not demand you to pay more. Moreover, the idea that this course can be learned while you are on a journey or you are relaxing on your couch and watching Television, just anywhere.

  • Certificate of Completion

Once you attend the entire course, you would be provided with a certificate of completion. This certificate of completion holds high regard outside. You can use this certificate to avail an array of benefits.

Who is the Target Audience?

These are the bunch of audiences who are targeted by the complete Android N developer course.

Those who want to learn Java from scratch and master it

Java is one of the best programming languages ever found. Android platforms use Java as its core language. Anyone who wants to learn Java can take up this course. Java apart from being used for developing applications, it is used for several other purposes too. So, knowledge of Java would prove to be helpful in any situation.

Those who are interested in knowing how computers work

Tips: Refer to a simple video guide on how to use The Complete Android N Developer Course coupon to get a low price at only $9.99.

The codes are the magic wand that makes the computer think for yourself. The Complete Android N Developer Course course actually makes you think about the logic that makes the code work.

Other top-rated Android app development courses here

Android O & Java – Mobile App Development | Beginning to End
The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course

What are the Pre-Requisites of This Android N Course?

You need not possess any background in coding. Even if you have zero experience in coding and do not know any programming language, you need not worry as the instructor of this course aims to teach even those who do not know the basics of code to write excellent codes.

You need to have a good electronic device at home. An electronic device should have good RAM capacity.

These are all the things you need to possess before you take up this course.

Now, after reading all these details you can understand that this course would lay the right foundation for those who are avidly interested in application development and still clueless about where and how, to begin with. Take up this ‘The Complete Android N Developer Course’ without a second thought.

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