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70% Off Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language Coupon

 Learn How To Code: Google's Go (golang) Programming Language
Take This Course Now for 70% Off!

About This Learn How to Code Programming Course

Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is basically a very comprehensive course which is designed specifically for beginners and also for developers who are experienced. This course is rated 4.4 out of 5 by its students and a total of 7,978 students have rated this course. Till date, a total of 68,427 students has enrolled in this course and completed it. This course is updated on a regular basis. The last time this course was updated was in the month of January 2019. This course is in English and it can also be translated into other languages like French.

This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language is a course which comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If students are not satisfied by taking the course, then they can get their money back in 30 days. This course also comes with a total of 46 hours of on-demand video. Students need to watch the on-demand video to learn everything about Golang. There are also 4 articles included in the course which has all the important concepts written on them so that students are able to refer to them whenever they want without having to look for it in the on-demand video. There is also 1 downloadable resource available in this course.

This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course comes with full lifetime access to all the course materials. Students will be able to refer to the study material, even after they have completed this course. This study material can be accessed by the student on a mobile phone as well as on a TV. This makes it so much easier for students to take this course even when they are on a go. Once students have completed watching all the on-demand video and take all the assignments that the there in the course they will be awarded a certificate of completion. This certificate will not be useful in college credits but will come in handy during job interviews.

What is Golang?

Go which is popularly known as Golang is basically a programming language which has become very much popular in the past couple of years. The development of this programming language started in the year 2007 at Google and it was made available to the public from the year 2009. The three developers at Google who helped in the development of Golang are Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer. The main focus of these three people was to create a language for programming which is kind of based on the syntax of C programming language. The reason why Golang became so much popular is that it comes with some of the features like type inheritance, pointer arithmetic, operator overloading, and method. The best thing about the programming language Go is that it is very much user-friendly. If you are interested in learning Golang programming language, don’t miss out on the Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course from Udemy.

Google's Go

Why Learn Go Programming Language

The Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is very popular on Udemy, loved by most developers. It has been seen that in the last few years the programming language Go has become very much popular. The first Pentium 4 which was released by Intel in the year 2004 has a clock speed of 3.0 GHz. All the computers which are available in the market now are with the clock speed of 2.9 GHz. This goes on showing that not a lot of power has increased in all these years. Since the frequency of the processor has been constant for almost 10 years there was a need for adding more and more transistor so that they are able to reach a solution

Go has been in the market for almost 10 years. The hype now for Go has been increasing constantly and this is the reason more and more people are trying to learn this language. With Go, the tooling experience of the developers is extremely good in nature. The programming language Go makes deployment procedure much easier. The compilation time of this Go programming language is also very much fast in nature and the feedback loops are also very good. The standard library of this Go programming language is fairly simple in nature.

What will Students Learn In The Google’s Go Course?

This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is very much simple and is designed in such a way that both a beginner and an expert developer will be able to take up this course and learn about the Golang. Some of the things that the students will be learning in this course are listed here.

  • Students will be learning the Golang with the help of a very comprehensive course.
  • This course is basically taught by a University Professor from America
  • Students will get to learn about benchmarking, channels and also concurrency.
  • Students will also be able to get all the hands of exercise along with the solution in this course.
  • The best thing about this course is that it is reliable because it has been tried tested and proven by a lot of students in the past.
  • It has been claimed that this course comes with a 100 percent guaranteed satisfaction.
  • This course can be taken up by any developer.
  • The course is designed with both advanced concepts as well as beginners’ concept making it perfect for everyone.
  • This course will teach the students about documentation, error handling and also testing.
  • Students will get to learn how to access the valuable code base in this course.
  • Students will get to learn this course sitting at home at their own time and convenience.

Basic Requirement of this Google’s Go (golang) programming course

This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is very versatile in nature and anyone will be able to take up this course. The best thing is that students will not require any kind of knowledge in Golang before taking up this course. This course starts with all the basics and will help students learn all the basic concepts of the language even if they do not have any idea about this course. This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is designed in such a way that it will help the students become a very good programmer.

Features of Go Programming

Go programming

The popularity of this language Go has been increasing at a very fast rate. Some of the features which are making this language so much popular are listed here.

Binaries– Golang basically helps in generating binaries for different applications which are built with this language. Users do not have to install runtime, making the life of the developer much more convenient.

Language Design– The programming language Golang is kept very much simple and understanding the language is very much easy. This is one of the reasons why so many people have started using Golang.

Powerful standard library– The programming language Go comes with a very powerful standard library. The library helps to cater to all the components that the developers need from different third-party packages. Developers will be able to find all the Packages which are available to them in the standard library.

Package Management– The programming language Golang is a combination of all the best languages in the market. With Golang users are able to work on Open source projects without any kind of inconvenience. The support is provided by the users directly in all the external packages and also have the option of publishing the packages which are designed by the developers.

Static Typing– This is basically a static typing language which is also known for working as a compiler. The language not only checks if the code is able to compile correctly but also makes sure all the conversions, as well as compatibility, are taken care.

Concurrency support– This language comes with very good support for Concurrency making it very much popular amongst developers. People generally think that the languages which support Concurrency are very much complicated in nature, but it is not true with Golang.

Testing support– This language has made a name for itself for bringing Unit Testing in this language. The tool in this language also helps in a proper understanding of the language.

Is it worth learning?

Taking the course Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language is something which is recommended for all the students who are already working as a developer or looking to work as a developer. The reason why this course is recommended is that the popularity of this programming language Go is increasing rapidly and more and more companies are recruiting developers who know the language Go.

Contents of the course Learn How to Code: Google’s Go (Golang) Programming Language

learn how to code

This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course basically comes with a total of 367 lectures which has on-demand video time of 46 hours 5 minutes and 46 seconds. This course is divided into 50 lectures which also include all the different exercises that the students will need to complete while taking this course. Here we have listed down some of the chapters which will be available in this course.

Introduction– This chapter comes with a total of three lectures and it has on-demand video time of 30 minutes and 32 seconds. In this chapter, students will be learning about all the valuable resources and how to succeed in this industry learning the language Go.

Course Overview– This chapter has a total of 3 lectures which takes video time of 15 minutes and 27 seconds. In this chapter, students will be learning about resources, documentation and accelerate learning.

Your development environment– This chapter has a total of 11 lectures and has on-demand video time of 1 hour 45 minutes and 46 seconds. Students will be learning about the terminal, shell commands and Github repos in this chapter.

Variable, values, and types- This chapter has a total of 10 lectures and it has on-demand video time of 1 hour 35 minutes and 58 seconds. Students will be learning about zero value, short declaration operation and the var keyword in this chapter.

Exercise Ninja Level 1– This chapter has a total of 6 lectures which has on-demand video time of 30 minutes and 42 seconds. This chapter basically consists of all the exercises.

Programming Fundamentals– This chapter has a total of 8 lectures which has on-demand video time of 1 hour 35 minutes and 28 seconds. Some of the topics which are taught in this chapter are bool type, numeric type, string type, numeral system, and bit shifting.

Exercise Ninja Level 2– This chapter has a total of 7 lectures and has on-demand video time of 23 minutes and 31 seconds. This chapter also has all the exercises that the students need to complete before proceeding further in the course.

Control flow– This chapter has a total of 12 lectures and it has on-demand video time of 1 hour 8 minutes and 27 seconds. Some of the topics that will be taught in this chapter are understanding control flow, loop, if else statement and switch statement.

Exercises Ninja Level 3– This chapter has a total of 10 lectures and has on-demand video time of 22 minutes and 29 seconds. This chapter consists of all the exercises for the students on control flow.

Grouping Data– This is the chapter, which comes with a total of 11 lectures and has on-demand video time of 1 hour 1 minute and 28 seconds. Some of the topics that are taught in this chapter are array, slice, and map.

Go programming course


This Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language course is one of the best ways for students to learn all the basic concepts of the programming language Go. This course is designed in such a way that it can be taken by both an experienced developer as well as a new developer. The course Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language is filled with all the information which students need to learn to be a professional coder in this language. Learning this language will be very much simply because the language itself is very much simple in nature. The course claims that all the students will be 100 percent satisfied with this course or they will be returning their money back.

Refer to more Google courses here:

Tips: Refer to an easy video guide on how to get the 95% off Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language coupon as follows.

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