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95% Off The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! Coupon

Take This Course Now for 95% Off!

Have you heard about ethical hacking? Well! You have surely heard about hacking but you might be thinking why the term “ethical” is used along with it. Both are contradicted to each other. How you can say hacking ethical because breaking into someone’s computer system without their permission is completely unethical. I agree with your words but this is essential and purely logical to do so because ethical hackers do it for the purpose of security. Cyber security professionals, information security analyst, and others people who are responsible for keeping an organization safe from intruders use hacking techniques.

Therefore, hacking is not always illegal and thus many professions need persons with sound knowledge of such techniques. Hence, ethical hacking courses are available to teach about this, for example, The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! Udemy offers a valuable and complete ethical hacking course for beginners who can get the complete knowledge of the course. Before we move into the curriculum and other details, of course, let see what is ethical hacking and its importance.

What is ethical hacking?

Hacking is a term used for the activities performed by a person, more probably by a hacker, to steal the information and data from a computer system without any permission. But, ethical hacking is different. Ethical hacking is usually done by a company or an individual to protect the computer systems or a network of them from potential threats. Here, the person has full permission to access the systems of an organization and this makes the difference between hacking and ethical hacking. This is done for the betterment of a company or a state.

The information gathered or extract from it is not kept secret because it is not done for the betterment of an individual.  Intrusion testing or ethical hacking is one and the same thing. It is also called as red teaming or penetration testing. Many companies hire ethical hackers who are certified where their job is to perform tests or activities to find any weak points in the security system that could make a way for hackers. Their test report is used to improve the security system of an organization and thus reducing the possibility of hacking by malicious hackers.

How to Become The Ethical Hacker?

Anyone who is interested to become a part of an organization and serves as a security engineer or cyber security specialist can join the online courses on ethical hacking. However, a certification is required to become CEH. EC- council offers a certification to such individuals where they have to pass a test that is consisted of 7 versions. The best way to improve your knowledge is to join an online ethical hacking course. So, Let us begin with the introduction of course and its objective.

This Course Will Help You Be An Expert in Ethical Hacking

The objective of The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course is to teach you every single thing related to ethical hacking. Therefore, a team of IT expert is ready to serve you and answer every single question of yours. You can ask any question related to the installation of software’s that you will be using while learning such as Kali Linux. Topics such as SLL strip, SQL injections, proxychains, and macchanger, cracking Wi-Fi, tor, basics of Linux and many more will be taught by the experts.

The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course is worth taking and you will get returns on your investment of time and money. Here is a quick insight on topics that you will be learning.

  • Installation of VirtualBox
  • How to create virtual environments?
  • How to install VirtualBox in windows 8.1?
  • How to stay anonymous with tor?
  • About VPN or virtual private networks and basics of Linux terminal

Moreover, you can access the course for the life time where you can see 20+ hours’ video tutorials in HD quality. This course is for who are interested to learn about exploitation of systems, compromise routers, penetration of networks. Those who want to use their skills and work for companies that are more vulnerable to threats can opt for this course. Also, if you are not a beginner and have basic knowledge of ethical hacking but want to get advanced information and skills, please join the course. If you see the career as a network specialist, freelancer online or network administrator then learning ethical hacking is a good choice.

Over 50000 students have already joined the course and are enjoying learning it. If you feel it’s not worthy then you can also ask for the refund. Udemy offers a 30-day refund for a course but once you enroll for course you will enjoy it. Moreover, you don’t have to have basic knowledge of ethical hacking and start learning it anytime. It will work as a booster for your career and you will get hundreds of good opportunities after the end of The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course.

What are the requirements for learning this course?

You should have a system or a laptop that has the good and reliable internet connection. You will also need a wireless networking card. Keep these essentials ready and you are ready to begin the Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course.

What is The Curriculum for The Complete Course?

The course includes 113 lectures that are divided into several sections. Let see some of those sections and know what topics they cover.

Part 1– The first section is an introduction where you will learn what ethical hacking is. You will know about the topic in detail. Here you will also get few tips to get most out of the course. Please, see all the videos carefully and don’t ignore them.

Part 2– In the second section, you will get aware of basic hacking terminologies as you will use them in later sections of course. Some of the basic terminologies are –white hat, grey hat, SQL, VPS, VPN, key loggers, and proxy.

Part 3– The third part covers the basics of building a hacking environment. It begins with a PDF that covers tips and common questions. In this part, you will learn about the hacking environment and its usefulness. Installing a VirtualBox is one method to set up an environment which you are going to learn here. In further sections, you will learn different ways to install and set up VirtualBox.

You will learn about two methods- installation with rpm and default package. Both the process is similar but in the next method a default manager called yum is used. This topic is very important as you will use it many times during the course. A default packet manager pulls the software from repositories where they are stored.

Here you will learn about Kali Linux and its installation process. At the end of this section, you will be taught about the guest additions.

Part 4– The next section covers the instructions for setting up of VirtualBox on Mac. So, if you are using a Mac then don’t miss this section. The topic is divided into two parts- part 1 and 2 where you will learn the setting up Kali Linux. There are three optional parts as well which you can skip if wish.

Part 5– this part is optional but you should learn it as well. This part deals with the creation of bootable USB. There are only four subparts in this section.

Part 6– again this is also optional. Here the instructor will teach you about the installation of VirtualBox on Fedora 22 and kalo sana VM. It covers only 3 lectures. This section cover updates so if you don’t skip it then its better as you will be aware of the latest updates which will be beneficial for your career.

Part 7– here the basics of Linux including its CLI and functionalities are covered. The lecture is in detailed to provide you the good understanding of the topic.

Part 8– tor protects the anonymity of your system online. Here you will learn about it. The two parts will cover everything that you need to know about tor.

Part 9– this section covers the proxychains that are used to hide your IP address, getting access to use proxy servers. There are three subparts of this topic.

Part 10– it deals with a virtual private network. The two sections will cover everything about VPN where you will also learn how to stay anonymous with VPN.

16 more sections or parts of this course are available where you will learn in-depth about the rest of topics. All the topics are explained in detail along with examples. You can also ask doubts from experts if facing problem on any topic. Your questions will be replied because of udemy trust in giving complete knowledge to their students.

After learning The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course many opportunities will be there for you. So, let’s know about the career options for you as an ethical hacker.

Career options for you:

Once you have skills and knowledge of ethical hacking techniques and tools you can choose any of the career options.

Penetration tester

As a penetration tester, your work will be to maintain the secure connection between external and internal communications. You have to find the weakness in company firewalls. Any loophole in them gives a chance to hackers to steal or access the professional, personal or private data of a company. So, you may have to build a tool or software to protect the systems. Here your additional knowledge of hacking will play a major role and give you an added advantage to you. You may be working in the small, medium and large enterprise, firms, organizations and many more.

Security engineer

As a security engineer, your responsibility will be to develop new ways to improve the security of an institution or organization. Their job is most crucial and thus they are called as front liners because they are the first one to deal with any problem or issue. You have to deal with the malfunctioning of both hardware and software. You have to work independently so your skills and in-depth knowledge should be strong. Your responsibility will be higher so you must learn about ethical hacking in-depth and clear the concepts.

Information security analysts

As an information security analyst, you will solve the security problems of a company, organization or institution. You will have to do a research on the computing system of a company where you will have to collect data and develop strategies for solving security problems. You should be a critical thinker and multi-taskers as this is the demand of job. You have to monitor and document rules related to security breaching. You should know how to operate routers, memory storage hardware, and firewalls. You will also lead the team of IT professionals so great leadership qualities are essential.

Discover other cyber security courses:

Website Hacking Course™ 2018: Earn Money by doing Bug Bounty
The Complete Cyber Security Course : Hackers Exposed!

Benefits of Being An Ethical Hacker

There are many more career opportunities for you as an ethical hacker. So, don’t wait and grab this opportunity and enroll in the complete ethical hacking course. There are many benefits as well such as you will get a certification. Certification is essential to work in reputed IT departments. You will get more salary in comparison to the non-certified hackers.

You can deploy your hacking knowledge in different fields of IT. You can become a software developer and develop software products. This will increase your chances of getting hired by any organizations as there is need of software programmer in almost every field.

Moreover, you can develop your own product or tool with your hacking knowledge. Having a certification will allow you to access the hacking tools. You can also advance your knowledge and create something better for every organization and thus become popular. Ethical hackers are in demand due to increased cyber attacks so there is no dearth of career opportunities for you. Your pay scale will increase with this certification and thus you can upgrade your career.

You can also secure your systems at home by using your knowledge of ethical hacking. In this way, you can keep your home systems safe and secure. If you are a businessman then learning this technique is vital as you can develop security tools for your business. With these added advantages you can excel in every area of IT. However, be sure that you don’t use your skills for the illegal purpose. So, be ready to become a professional ethical hacker. Join The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! course now.

Tips: Look at the easy video guide on how to use The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! coupon with ease.

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