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95% Off Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) Coupon

Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) Take This Course Now 95% Off!

Do you realize that the indispensability of the modern HTML5 and CSS3+ technologies for the building custom responsive websites and UIs? Do you want to learn all things about CSS, HTML, and Sass from the ground up? Or do you tend to be more proficient in building the most modern responsive websites and user interfaces like a professional? Then, we recommend you learn the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course on Udemy. This course covers both basics and advanced technologies of modern responsive websites and UIs, from HTM and CSS basics to HTML 5 and CSS3 fundamentals to advanced techniques that are high-demanded as a seasoned developer.

Looking to take the CSS course for up to 95% off? Click on the button ‘Take This Course Now 95% Off!’ mentioned above to enroll in the course for as low as $9.99.

Introduction to The HTML & CSS Course

This Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course is designed to start you on a good boot camp for a depth learning of the modern web development and designs, no matter how little technical experience or programming knowledge you currently have. This course is a very top-rated web development course, and if you’re a beginner complete new to programming, you will feel this course is very hands-on. If you’re a seasoned programmer, you’ll advance your current level of HTML & CSS to the better. Whether you’re beginners or experienced developers, this course will build your skillsets of developing modern responsive websites & UIs. But have you ever wondered how to master HTML and CSS techniques? How are they used to? How do developers use it to build high-quality responsive websites? What skills are necessary to build custom responsive websites or app UIs? The answer to these questions could be figured out from the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course. The mentor named Brad Traversy will help you get a better understanding of the web development and building up a new set of HTML5 and CSS3+ skills.

Requirements and targets:

This Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course is designed for anyone who are interested in learning more about building responsive websites and user interfaces using HTML and CSS. This course also covers all the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3 and Sass, aims at helping all learners get the most out of the course although some of them are complete beginners. So, if you’re a beginner who has been always looking to learn all things about HTML and CSS but don’t know how to get started, then here is a right place to start.

What you will get:

The Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course comes designed with 21 hours of on-demand video, 3 articles, 25 dowloadable resources, and 128 lectures in total. To take full use of this course requires learner a strong willingness to complete this training. Next, let’s see what each lecture will teach you.

  • 4 lectures introduce the course and how the web works
  • 14 lectures teach all things about the HTML basics
  • 16 lectures teach all knowledge of the CSS basics
  • 7 lectures teach how to design a hotel website
  • 5 lectures introduce the knowledge of responsive layouts
  • 3 lectures tell you what the Flexbox is and how it works
  • 10 lectures introduce everything you need to know about EdgeLedger website
  • 6 lectures are all about the website deployment, you will learn to set up shared hosting
  • 10 lectures tell you more about the CSS concepts, you will learn about the advanced selections, animations, CSS transitions, and more
  • 12 lectures help you get started with some mini projects with the knowledge of keyframes, transitions, and more
  • 7 lectures are all about CSS grid
  • 10 lectures help you build NewsGrid website
  • 5 lectures are all about the website deployment with Netlify
  • 7 lectures help you learn more about Sass
  • 11 lectures focus on the portfolio website with Sass
  • 1 lecture to sum up the course

More About HTML5 & CSS3 Technologies

The Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course will help you deeply learn HTML5. What is exactly in HTML5? Nowadays, the geeky chapter of web designers has introduced a new word HTML5 into the world of web designing. HTML or HyperText markup language is a markup language is behind the scenes coding language that provides the kinds of stuff to see online in the form of web content in any webpage. In the developing era, the HTML was invented 20 years ago and it is going on upgrading its version in pace. HTML5 is the recent version of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).


HTML5 is adding capabilities to deal with the stuff like video write into its port so that plugins hopefully won’t be necessary. It is not yet totally released. A better version of HTML is created in the new standard of HTML5 and there is lot of great new features of HTML5. Some of the features are mentioned below-


  • New element

There are many new elements are added in the usable version of HTML. now some new semantic elements are released to convey the purpose of the elements.

  • New properties

Many new attributes can make web sites more happening and engaging for users.

  • Full support of CSS3

The Full support of CSS3, with the combination of HTML5, can create some cool new effect. It is getting easier with a new element, new selector, new properties animations and many more that css3 possesses.

  • Video and audio function

Adding audio and video for developers using HTML5 has become easy. It is supported in all major browsers.

  • Graphics

With HTML5 drawing graphics is simplified with new elements like Canvas electric, inline SVG and the use of CSS3 2D and 3D transformation.

  • Web application

Web and mobile development are so much easier with HTML5. This feature gives another set of feature to access with the help of web application. Local data, local file access, local SQL databases, web worker are the basic combined features of the web application.

Hypertext markup language otherwise referred to as HTML played a vital role in making the web a better place to hang out. The new version of HTML is considered as HTML5 provides many dynamic features which can make with pages more engaging and beautiful.

What’s A New Feature In CSS3?

The Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course also can help you go deep into the CSS3 advanced technology. CSS3 is the most recent version of the Cascading Style Sheet language. It is a great deal of hotly anticipated features. It is simply a brand much like HTML5 is. People are using it as a blanket term to describe the new CSS feature and functionality that have emerged over the last few years.

Features of CSS3

  • It is being driven by a new generation of browsers that are focused on giving designers more powerful tools for creating sites.
  • Existing property enhancements -Border radius. It allows you to create rounded corners for elements border.
  • Multiple backgrounds-The background property addition is like the ability to have multiple background and enhancements to control background image size orientation and clipping.
  • New colour values- The new colour values of HSL and the addition of RGB A and HSL A which add Alpha values to colour values are also often labelled as being a feature of CSS3.
  • New text formatting features- Numerous text formatting features are counted as new features of CSS3. These include things like new text-shadow property, creating multiple columns and working with web fonts.
  • Web fonts – Browsers have recently started adding widespread support of web fonts. This new support allows you to use fonts that are not installed on the client system.
  • New selectors – It dramatically increases a designer’s ability to target elements on the page.
  • Box shadow – It gives the ability to add drop shadows to element boxes. It can control the colour offset and whether the shadow is offset or inset concerning the element.
  • CSS gradient – It allows you to set the background colour of an element to a gradient.
  • CSS transform – It allows you to do things like rotate items, scale, skims or otherwise transforms elements on the page.
  • CSS transitions – It lets you animate from one CSS property value to another.
  • CSS animation – This feature allows you to create keyframes to control animations and properties that allow you to control the timing, duration, and looping of the animation.

Keep in mind that many of these features are in the early stages of being supported by browsers. Many are experimental and they have been around for some time but are just now being widely implemented. To master everything you need to know about CSS3, the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course is a good choice.

What Can You Do Using HTML5 And CSS3?

HTML5 and CSS3 are the best combinations for the creation of best web pages. With some more scripting languages, you can perform various types of projects. With the cool features of HTML5 and CSS3, any software application can be built.

In the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course, you’ll know what HTML5 and CSS3 exactly are and what they are used for. Well with HTML, JavaScript, CSS and a server-side language like PHP, you could assemble a web application form of fundamentally any program you have on a personal computer.

  • Online video editors
  • Online picture supervisor
  • Business sites
  • Web journals
  • Responsive websites
  • A video-sharing site
  • Make a different correspondence stage.
  • A device for insane researchers to consider insane sciency things. (that’s the specialized term)
  • You could make a learning stage that pursues instructing best practices to help individuals adapt all the more effectively.
  • an online controller for an excessively cool Arduino fueled robot armed force.
  • an online reference book that everybody on the planet can add their insight to.
  • You could make cash by selling commercials.
  • You could introduce craftsmen work in a truly cool manner.
  • You can make intuitive music recordings.
  • You can make virtual voyages through acclaimed places
  • you may like to make an augmented simulation experience(relatively new pattern happening at this moment)
  • You can make a web application that enables you to utilize a gathering of devices(phones PCs and so forth.) as an insane consolidated sound framework, where they all stream the equivalent precise melody simultaneously enabling you to make a low spending sound framework.

You can assemble anything. Simply put time and vitality into it and it’s conceivable. Actually, with the help of HTML5 and CSS3, one can develop various interactive websites as HTML5 gives structure and basic content to any webpage and CSS3 provides a vast variety of pages layout. To master both HTML5 and CSS3 technologies, don’t miss out on learning the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course on Udemy.

Are HTML & CSS Important For Front-End Development?

Have you ever looked at a website and wondered what made it work? Have you ever checked out the layout and the way all the buttons acted? Well, all of these visible features are designed or built with the help of a front-end development.
html and css
To become a successful front-end developer, you need to have certain skills. If you have planned to pursue your career in the said field, this is a great time to do so. There is an increasing demand for front-end developers in the market that is associated with high salaries.

Now the question is what are the skills you need to become a front-end developer? Are HTML & CSS important? Let’s find out the answer to your questions.

How important HTML & CSS are for front-end development?

HTML and CSS happen to be two of the most important skills you need to have to become a successful front-end developer. So if you thought you can make your career without these skills then you are wrong. In the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course, you will know how important the HTML and CSS techniques are.

  • HTML

The very first thing you need to learn in web development is HTML. This is basically a standard mark-up language, the knowledge of which helps you to create attractive web pages.
The good thing is that it is easy to learn and understand. HTML marks the beginning of your web development journey. The language is used for years now and is extremely important for front-end development.

  • CSS

A website made with HTML looks plain and ugly. To make your website page tick you need to add flavour and style to it. This is where the need for CSS comes into the picture.

CSS is used to add colours, background images and other visible features to your site. Your HTML skills are basically useless without knowing CSS.

Well, now you know how and why HTML and CSS are important to become a web developer. These two are the most basic skills you need to have to begin your web development journey.

Is CSS Difficult to Learn?

CSS is a styling language for web pages that allows the user to describe and format the usage of HTML codes for its appearance. Learning process looks for dedication and determination towards it. Learning any language is not tough but as per the view of many learners, they describe the CSS learning procedure as gradually getting tough language. However, the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course can help you all things CSS from the ground up.

The reasons why developers consider CSS as hard to learn are as follows –

  • CSS in its level of technicality makes it not the best conceivable language.
  • CSS was originally designed to style web pages and web pages are perceived as text document as a way to exchange information in text format.
  • Overview of CSS is evolved as a full-fledged programming environment for web applications as web application requires the user interface not web pages, so here CSS lacks in away.
  • The paradigms associated with CSS are not well suited for user interfaces.

We will get to know about difficulty proportion in every level of learning procedure of CSS in this white paper –

  • A beginner’s level

According to mass consent, they regarded CSS as very easy to learn in the beginning phase. But before starting to learn CSS the candidate must possess the knowledge of HTML so that the person will be able to grasp most of CSS syntax and tags. While initiating the learning process of CSS, you should know about the basic tags of HTML. Starting with basic learning and understanding of foundational terms of CSS like selectors, declaration, pseudo-classes, etc. Is important.

  • At intermediate level

From this phase of learning, the concepts start getting tough. And that is the reason why developers consider it a hard layout to learn.

  • At the final level

The last level is filled with more difficulties to learn but you can do it much more concentration and dedication. With the help of the Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course online, you can dive into CSS in a fast and easy way.

You can master web designing if you will be able to learn the basics of HTML and CSS properly. The basic knowledge of these both can lead you to another level of designing websites. People find it tough to learn but in the end, it is one of the common languages to learn. The complexity is lesser than any other programming languages.

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At Last

By the end of this Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course you will be able to build any custom modern responsive websites and apps UIs like a professional. You will be proficient in working with the popular and high-demand HTML 3, CSS3, Sass, Flex, and CSS grid technologies. Finally, you will fully prepare yourself to take the next step in the most modern and advanced web development and projects’ UIs.

Don’t miss out on the 95% off Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) coupon here. Refer to an easy video guide to redeem the best Udemy coupon for generating BIG savings here.

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