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95% Off Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Coupon

Take This Course Now for 95% Off!
Do you want to learn a new programming language that is in trend? Well! You should learn Python which is currently the most useful language used for building latest projects. And the Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course is a good start. You can build projects based on web applications, utility scripts, desktop applications, machine learning and more.

Apart from an easy to use and learn a language, python is highly useful because it can be used on all operating systems, unlike other programming languages. If you are still in confusion whether to learn this new language or not, then you should know the benefit you would get.

As a stepping stone, python is absolutely good for the beginners who want to build interesting projects. Many big companies like Disney, Yahoo, Instagram and other rely on this language hence there is a very good career opportunity for the python developer. This is an absolute advantage for the learners.

Benefits of Learning Python Programming Language:

  • One can easily develop prototype quickly since the language is easy to read and learn.
  • This language is ideal for general purpose tasks such as for data mining, automation and developing big data platforms.
  • Unlike programming languages like Java and C#, it offers a productive coding environment. Moreover, coders can stay organized with programming.
  • Even a less skilled programmer can understand the code written in python language. You should have a bit of patience while learning it and can practice it as much as you can. It is an ideal language especially if you are working in a big team with multi-programmer.
  • It powers a web application that is completely open sourced that is Django, other frameworks are used to simplify the process.
  • It is community developed and open source thus it offers massive support base. The language is continuously updated and serves as core functionality to the developers.

So, if you want to upgrade your knowledge of programming language or start from the scratch then learn python. Udemy is the best platform which offers you attractive and useful courses for future such as Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency. This course is different from others because here the learners can develop their projects simultaneously with their course. The course covers the trending topics and technology that is Blockchain.

Many students don’t know what Blockchain is and how it can be useful for developing future projects based on it. So, in the course, you will learn all the basic of Blockchain and how to apply python on this technology. Till now you have understood why python language is useful for anyone who wants to become a code developer but do you really know something about Blockchain and why it matters today.

Why Blockchain?

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are the two technologies that are new and most useful. Blockchain technology is used to implement crypto currency like bitcoin and have the wider range of applications. It has opened new emerging possibilities for the public sector, financial services, and other areas. This technology is widely used in finance sector whereby it is used to record every transaction and eliminate the need for payment processors and another third party. This ensures trust among users and all their transaction details are secured.

It is considered as foundation technology similar to TCP/IP whereby it was first used for the bitcoin currency exchange. Cryptocurrency and blockchain will go hand in hand as many latest projects of a different sector are now based on these two technologies. Therefore, it is essential to walk in pace with technology and by learning python you do the same.

The course is thus a good opportunity for someone who wants to apply these latest technologies for their business. Moreover, the challenges of blockchain are overcome by the python features. Both are the two most talked and used technology that we hear all the time so learning it can be very fruitful.

So, don’t search for the courses that don’t give you a real insight of them and only deals with theory.  Course offered by Udemy is much beyond that because here you can work on live projects and ask queries to the experts. The experts of python will teach you here on Udemy. You can take the Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course at the very cost-effective price.

Who is going to teach you?

Maximilian Schwarzmüller, a freelance developer who has been working on this programming language for years is your guide and teacher during the course. He is familiar with the language since he was 13. He loves to learn new technologies and is the creator of bestseller courses at Udemy. The entire course is developed by them which is carefully organized and well planned for learners.

Let’s see what the Python course have for you

Below is a brief summary of topics you are going to learn in this Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course.

  • Summary of Blockchain technology
  • Summary of python
  • The basic python syntax such as operators, functions, variables and more that you should know
  • Loops and conditional statements
  • Complex data structures for example dictionaries and tuples
  • Standard library python ships and built-in functions
  • String manipulation
  • Working with files
  • How to deal with errors

  • Debugging
  • Object-oriented programming with inheritance and classes
  • Modules packages(internal and external both)
  • Spinning of HTTP server along with flask package
  • Handling HTTP requests like receiving and sending and more….

You will learn these topics in an easy manner without any problems and if any you can ask your doubts to the teacher. However, before you begin with the course Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency you should fulfill some perquisites of courses.

The All-in-one Python, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course’s prerequisites

If you know nothing about programming language and python then its okay you can still understand the course. Knowledge of Working of a computer can help you during the learning of course topics. Only basics are required and if you have good knowledge of python and computer then it’s icing on the cake.

Even after knowing the course perquisites you think that you don’t fit right for the course then you are wrong. If you want to:

  • Learn your first programming language then the course is best for you.
  • If you are a web developer then it will broaden your knowledge on python and latest technology blockchain
  • If you are interested in web development then learning python is must, as there are two modules where you learn about web development.
  • Interested to learn new technologies then enroll into the course as you will learn the emerging technology of future that is blockchain.
  • If you already know much about python but looking for a platform where you can practice python then this course of udemy is a great opportunity for you. The course will offer tasks and a real practice ground to you where you can improve your programming skills.

You can take these as reasons for learning this course. But, if you think that you are the student and you don’t have time for learning the new things then discards these thoughts from your mind. Almost anyone is welcome at udemy and can improve their knowledge. Learning with udemy is a way different than other online academies. Here you will get real exposure to live projects, hands-on experience and chance to learn popular and trending topics without spending much time.

As we have already described what you will learn from the course, it’s time to know about the course curriculum.

About Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course curriculum

There will be around 13 sections and more will be there in the curriculum whereby each section will teach you the topics mentioned above.

1. Let’s start with our first section which consists of only 11 lectures. Its basic section where you will learn what is python, its setting up, blockchain, python alternatives, and python versions. Moreover, at the end of the lecture, you will get useful resources and links for future reference.

2. The next section is a brief of basics of python where you will learn about data types, REPL, operators, strings, variables and numbers, how to work with them, lists, how to remove and add lists. A blockchain theory is also covered in this section. You will also learn how to install IDE, how to access the last list item, how to add functions and arguments, return keyword, default arguments, comments and doc strings, variable scope and more.

3. There is a practice time for you where you can test your understanding. In the next lectures you will learn how to work with conditionals and loops whereby you will understand how to create “for” and “while” loop. Conditionals theory and loops theory are also covered in this section. How to use “if-else” command in the Blockchain, break and continue, working with “elif” and more will be taught in this section.

Elif is the term which is less understood by students. This term is used when you want your users to quit the loop or when users enter invalid input. Other important term is the break and continues used where a user adds valid input but you want to discontinue the loop process. Two operators which are not described in above sections will be covered here, these are “is and in” operator.

4. In the opposite case where you had used to the above operator you can use not keyword. You will learn how this keyword works in next lecture. The additional important features are “and & or” which will be taught in next lecture. Apart from these, grouping conditionals are also important features, what are they and how they work, know in next lecture. In latter lectures, you will learn how to verify blockchain. Here you will learn how to prevent manipulations in transactions where block chain technology is used.

5. Blockchain verification is one of the most important features and first building block of Blockchain so understand it carefully. In the upcoming lectures, you can practice loops and conditionals.

6. The section with more lectures is one where you will learn complex data structures. This is again an important section so please focus. Which data structure is right and how to work with it is crucial to understand. How to mine blocks, unpack the tuple, dict comprehension, Blockchain validation logic improvement, calculation of balances and more are the topics of this section. How to reward the miners and verify their transactions is essential to learn so take a note of these lectures.

7. Next, learn working with strings and functions, python standard library, files and more.

8. The most important topic is handling of errors and debugging. Learn how to fix errors and find them. Fixing these errors is very important as it can create problems for users and you as well.

9. The other two sections covered object-oriented programming and modules which is covered in 25 and 19 lectures respectively.

There are more sections for the course. So, enroll in the course and learn python and blockchain. You might have seen various projects that work on this platform. How it was created and how it works will be disclosed to you here at Udemy. You can then develop a project of your own if you have some creative and interesting ideas which can be useful for rest of the society.

Refer to the best-selling Python courses here:

The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp
Deep Learning Prerequisites: Linear Regression in Python
Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python
Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python
Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python
Python A-Z™: Python For Data Science With Real Exercises!
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp


This Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course is designed in the very simplified manner and anyone can understand it. You need only a computer or a laptop to access these lectures. You can use any software like windows, mac, Linux or more. The projects that you will develop will run on all operating system whether iOS or windows. This is the plus point of python language. Moreover, the course is affordable where you can learn the course in less than 20 hours. Take out some time from your busy schedule and give some time to improve your skills.

If you are a web developer then this will benefit you a lot. For a beginner, this is a stepping stone for his career. So, hope you are excited to learn Blockchain and python. Go to Udemy, enroll in the Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency course and enjoy the course.

Video guide: Do you want to know how to redeem the Udemy coupon code? Just follow the simple video guide on how to use the 95% off Learn Python by Building a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency coupon as followed:

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