Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course is the complete guide to mastering artificial Intelligence using Deep Learning and Neural Networks. This course is one of the most rates courses out there. This course is rated 4.6 out of 5 with almost 1538 ratings. A total of 20,226 students have taken up this course and almost all the students are very much satisfied. This Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course is updated on a daily basis and this is the reason people are very much into this course because it is always up to date. This course was last updated on the month of December 2018. This course is in English, but students will also be able to convert it into Portuguese.
This Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python is the course which comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If the students are not satisfied with the course they will be able to get their money back. This course is very much simple in nature and it also comes with a total of 8.5 hours of on-demand video. All the study materials that are available in the course is very much useful and all the students will have lifetime access to the study material so that even after the course is complete they will be able to refer to the study materials. This course also comes with access to mobile and TV which is very much useful because students are now able to study on the go whenever they want wherever they want.
This course on Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python is very much up to date. All the recent changes that are made to the AI is being taught in this course. In this course the students will be learning the following things:
Basic Requirements for the Advanced AI Course:
This course on Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python is all about the application of all the neural network and the deep learning to the reinforcement learning. If this is the first class on reinforcement learning, then you should know this from beforehand that reinforcement learning is now on the bleeding edge of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is basically a process so that the computer starts working like a robot. With help of Artificial Intelligence, the computer will be able to think like a human brain and perform activities on instruction. The main focus of Artificial Intelligence is to improve productivity and the computer function which are all related to human knowledge. Some of the problems that will be solved with Artificial Intelligence are problem-solving, learning and reasoning.
The intelligence is very much intangible in nature and it comprises of the following:
The main focus of Artificial Intelligence is knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, natural language processing, learning, realization and also manipulate objects and ability to move. The application of Artificial Intelligence is very much wide in nature. Artificial Intelligence is used in Gaming. The main work of Artificial Intelligence in gaming is that it thinks of a large number of possible positions in the game that the player will be able to take making the games much more interesting. The natural language processing is also able to help interact with the language which is spoken by human beings. The software along with the machine helps in providing all types of advice to the users.
Neural Networks are basically the reason which has made such a big breakthrough in problems like computer vision, time series prediction, and machine translation. If it is combined with reinforcement learning it is able to create Alpha Go. Reinforcement learning is basically very much goal oriented, which helps users achieve a complex goal od its own. Reinforcement learning also helps to speed up all the procedures. The most unique thing about Reinforcement Learning is that they are capable of starting off from a blank slate and also under the right conditions they are able to achieve superhuman performance. These algorithms are treated like a child and are penalized if they do something wrong. They are also rewarded when they make the right decisions.
Reinforcement learning is able to solve all kinds of difficult problems Reinforcement learning acts just like a human being and makes sure they make the right decision. After making the decision they wait to make sure that everything works properly. The thing about Reinforcement Learning is that it is only able to use the concepts of an agent, state, environment, and action for its understanding.
Neutral Network is basically a set of algorithms which is loosely modeled after the brain of the human being. These algorithms are able to interpret all the sensory data with all kinds of machine learning clustering and labeling. The pattern which is being recognized by the algorithm is all numerical in nature. All the data collected are also real-world data which consist of different images and text.
Deep learning is basically an artificial intelligence function which is responsible for imitating the works of a human brain. It helps to create a data pattern from all the decisions that are made. Deep learning is basically a subset of machine learning which means all the technology of deep learning falls under machine learning. Deep learning has evolved in such a way that it goes perfectly goes with all the technologies that are being used this year. All the data that are collected by Deep learning is popularly known as Big Data. This data is all attracted from all the different social media websites and internet search engines. All the data is only accessible with the help of cloud computing. The amount of data collected is very vast in nature and it is almost impossible for people to comprehend.
Artificial Intelligence is now a booming sector in the global market. The problem with artificial intelligence is not everyone feels the same about it. Almost all the industries all across the world are very much interested in this type of technology but there has been some resistance from a few of the industries.
The most important reason why students should be learning Artificial Intelligence is that it will help them land jobs in the financial sector. The financial sector has been using Artificial Intelligence extensively and this is the reason people from all across the world are trying to get into this course.
The speed of growth of technologies is rapidly increasing and this is the reason more and more people are getting into this sector. The amount of data which is collected from the internet has become a huge and Artificial Intelligence is the only way t use the data in an organized manner.
The need for humanity has been there for a long period of time in technology and finally with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence people are able to get the emotional attachment to technology. This has been a major breakthrough in the world of technology and people have been really getting attracted because of the technology.
The funding of all the companies working with artificial intelligence has been enormous. No other sector has seen so much funding in the past couple of years. This goes on to show how much this industry will be growing in the coming years and this is the perfect time for developers to learn artificial intelligence technology and stay ahead of the crowd.
All the assistants like Siri, which has been created by Apple, Google Assistant which is created by Alphabet, Cortana which has been created by Microsoft and Alexa which has been created by Amazon has become very much popular recently. These assistances are all working with the help of artificial intelligence. Since more and more people are getting used to the technology the developers keep on updating and improving them making a big scope for people for new developers to enter into this industry.
This Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course on the Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python consists of a total of 72 lectures. The lectures have a total on-demand video time of 8 hours and 15 minutes 34 seconds. The 72 lectures have been divided into a total of 9 chapters.
The first chapter of the Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course is introduction and logistics which consist of 4 lectures and comes with the on-demand video time of 20 minutes and 33 seconds. The second chapter of the course is Background Review which consists of a total of 7 lectures and has an on-demand video time of 13 lectures which has on-demand video time of 57 minutes and 40 seconds. The fourth chapter of the course is TD Lambda which has a total of 5 lectures and has on-demand video of 19 minutes and 51 seconds.
The second biggest chapter of the course is Policy Gradient which has a total of 10 lectures and has on-demand video time of 1 hour 2 minutes and 35 seconds. The next chapter on the course is Deep Q Learning which has a total of 9 lectures and comes with on-demand video time of 50 minutes and 55 seconds. The seventh chapter of the course is A3C which has 7 lectures and has on-demand video time of 1 hour and 2 minutes 4 seconds.
The second last chapter of the course is Theano and Tensorflow Basis Review which has 4 lectures with on-demand video of 34 minutes and 14 seconds. The last chapter of the course is Appendix which is the biggest chapter with 13 lectures with 2 hours 35 minutes and 20 seconds of on-demand video.
All the Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course is covered fully in the video which is provided with the course. It is recommended if the students are trying to complete the course in a short time, then they should definitely watch the video in 2x speed. If the students take notes with the course they will be able to learn it much more efficiently. It is recommended for the students to write down all the equations in the copy so that they are able to refer to it later when they complete the course.
This Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python course is becoming very popular and if students are fresh out of college and looking for a job in the artificial intelligence sector then this course will just be perfect for them. This course will teach all the concepts of the course in depth and also make students understand how they can use it in real time. This technology, which will be taught in this course will come in handy for all the students who are trying to get a job in all the big companies. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Flipkart are looking for people who have expert knowledge in artificial intelligence technology.
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