> VilmaTech Blog > What is Intuitive Password?

What is Intuitive Password?

Intuitive Password is the most secure password manager in the market that uses cutting-edge encryption technology and comes with AES-256 encryption. It securely keeps track of all your passwords, creates unique and strong passwords for all your accounts, and then remembers them, or even autofills them whenever you need. Intuitive Password has a very simple and clear interface, and it offers all the essential features like password generator, export/import passwords, backup data and sync data across all devices you have etc. It works across a wide range of devices including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

For anyone concerned about online security – and that should be everybody – using Intuitive Password provides a more convenient, more secure system than relying on a web browser. Intuitive Password offers a wide range of benefits when it comes to tracking and managing your passwords on the Internet to make your online experiences easier and safer. You can use it to generate strong passwords that are more difficult for hackers to crack. You can automatically log in the website you want without remembering multiple passwords. Intuitive Password is a good helper that remembers all your passwords and stores your important data in a secure place. You’ll manage everything with one master password, and since Intuitive Password is a zero knowledge provider, only you can decrypt your data. Overall, Intuitive Password saves you time, energy, and countless moments of tense frustration trying to remember long-forgotten passwords of infrequently used accounts. With it, you’ll never have to remember another online password again. Try it for free or get their Express, Advanced or Pro plan to experience more great features!


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