> VilmaTech Blog > 95% Off iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Coupon

95% Off iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Coupon

Take This Course Now for 95% Off!
iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp is the best-selling iOS development course that will give you an awesome training of iOS 11 and Swift 4. You may have been trying many courses to learn more about iOS development knowledge but nearly all of them are not good enough to enhance your current skills. So what next will you do? Join the iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp and you will be very surprised and satisfied with what the course teaches you.

Build 20 iOS Apps Using Swift, Swift 4 Programming

What first you will learn in the iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp is everything you need to master the high-demand Swift programming language. This course will help you learn Swift from the complete beginner to advanced. Along with that, Swift 4 programming also is a very important and necessary skill you should master in order to be an advanced mobile app developer. So, this best-selling iOS development course will be a good start.

In the first part, you will learn:

  • Tips and tools to help you level up your development skills
  • How to download effective tools and materials for developing some awesome iOS 11 apps
  • Have a depth learning of Apple iOS apps
  • What is the Apple XCode development environment and how to set up and use Xcode
  • How to perfectly create an Xcode project
  • What does the Bundle Identifier mean in creating an iOS project
  • What is Storyboard and how to use it to design a proper user interface
  • What does the Interface elements include
  • How to appropriately position your choices of interface elements.
  • How to download some quality image assets
  • How to incorporate your carefully selected images into an Xcode project perfectly

  • Have a basic learning of the difference between points and pixels, Apple icon dimensions, and graphics
  • Learn to be able to create your own high-quality iOS image assets
  • What does the sideloading mean?
  • How to install your apps onto your iPhone
  • How to take advantage of sideloading to install your iOS apps in IPA format onto an Apple device
  • How to use interface builder in Xcode
  • How to download the stub projects from GitHub
  • How to design your own apps
  • How to take advantage of your coding skills to complete linking design
  • Refer to some common errors and how to solve the errors
  • How to utilize Swift programming to create Randomisation
  • What are the data types, constants, and variables
  • What are the arrays in Swift
  • How to programmatically update display settings of a field
  • How to set motion detection for your app
  • How to add app icons for your app and how to set up a great canvas
  • What is the interface builder and how to design an app in it
  • What is the programming modules
  • What are the print statements, debug console, and comments
  • What are the data types, constants, and variables
  • Have a deep learning of Swift functions with inputs, outputs.
  • How to create a BMI calculator in Swift playgrounds
  • How to use loops in a program

Till now, you will have a further learning about Swift.

The next part you will learn more about Swift 4 programming language.

Refer to some details you can learn in the iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp course:

  • Where can you download the Skeleton project
  • What is the Storyboard and how to use tags in it
  • Learn more about apple documentation
  • Master the sought-after Swift 4 programming language
  • How to catch errors in Swift
  • How to make your own music app
  • How to enable the Apple play to sound differently for each button
  • Pay an attention to the scope in programming
  • How to download a complete App project
  • Have a detailed learning regarding on the MVC design pattern
  • How to create a data model
  • How to download a Skeleton project
  • How to set up a Skeleton project
  • Learn more about the object-oriented programming language, including objects, classes
  • How to create a pop-up for the users
  • How to make a complete quiz app
  • How to build a story app
  • What is the iOS auto layout and why use it
  • Setting constraints
  • How to practice auto layout
  • How to program in Swift 4
  • How to create a method, object, Enums, new class and more in Swift
  • How to sign up the Skeleton project, free API key
  • How to finish a pod installation
  • How to create weather data models
  • How to update the user interface
  • What is the command line, command line structure
  • How to build a Bitcoin price tracker application
  • How to complete a WhatsApp clone

In the second part, the iOS course will teach you:

  • How to have a depth learning of Firebase version 3
  • How to set up Firebase for development
  • What is the Xcode 9 bug
  • How to store data on your cloud database
  • How to control navigation in iOS
  • How to take advantage of the Swift guard statement
  • How to code up a login screen
  • How to set up iOS table views
  • How to create a custom message class
  • How to make your own UI animations in iOS
  • How to effectively observe for real-time databases changes
  • How to update database security settings
  • How to enhance the user experience of your app
  • How to enhance the user interface
  • What is version control
  • What is git
  • How to use Git, command line, GitHub
  • Branching and merging
  • Cloning
  • What is the core data
  • What is the persistent local data storage

Next, you will learn more about machine learning

  • Have a good learning of machine learning
  • What is Corel
  • How to use machine learning into your iOS apps
  • How to fully take advantage of Corel tools
  • How to convert Pre-Trained models
  • What is ARKit
  • How to build reality apps in iOS
  • How to master the advanced ARKit technology
  • How to measure a real-world dimensions
  • How to submit an app to the App Store

This part will give you a depth of learning of app design:

  • What is app design?
  • How to master the color theory, color designing tools
  • How to create your own color palettes
  • What is Typography
  • How to use Typography to determine readability
  • Learn the fundamentals of UX design for mobile apps
  • How to design for iOS and Android

Last, learn more about How to market your mobile app and make more money from it

  • How to work with Idea Validation effortlessly
  • What are the app monetization methods
  • How to enhance your apps listing
  • What are the effective growth hacking techniques for app downloads
  • How to feature your mobile apps on the App Store
  • How to rank your apps higher on the App store search results
  • How to drive apps to download properly
  • How to earn more 5-star ratings and reviews for your apps on the App Store
  • How to master the app Analytics and use it to increase your user retention
  • How to get more app downloads and earn more revenues
  • How to make your own app showcase website

How to Take The iOS 11 & Swift 4 Course at A Low Price Online?

Udemy coupon code is a good way to help you save much money when joining the iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp course. A valid Udemy coupon code we offer here can generate a BIG discount up to 95% off. What are you hesitating for? Don’t forget to redeem a valid Udemy coupon code here to learn everything you need to master the iOS 11 and Swift 4 skills at only $9.99. To easily get an activated Udemy coupon code, you just need to click on the “Take this course now” button to start.

Some details of the best-selling iOS development course:

Author: Created by Angela Yu
English: English and closed captions English included
Rating: the course wins 4.7 (24,028 ratings)
Students: there have been 95,263 students enrolled and will be more
Course Validity: Lifelong access
Includes: 49 hours of on-demand video, 102 articles, 26 resources, and 473 lectures

Refer to more best-selling iOS development courses here:

iOS 10 & Swift 3: From Beginner to Paid Professional™
The Complete iOS 10 & Swift 3 Developer Course


The iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp has gotten pretty good feedback from learners, 4.7 (23,544 ratings) and 94,327 students enrolled. Most of those people who have bought the course are very satisfied with it. If you have been always looking for a complete course to learn iOS and Swift techniques with ease, don’t miss out on the best-selling course here.

Tips: How to take the 95% off Udemy iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp coupon? Refer to an easy video guide as followed.

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