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83% Off Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop Coupon

Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop
Are you one of those people who’re looking to learn and master the Microsoft power BI self-service business intelligence platform? Are you wondering how to utilize the crucial tool for transforming, analyzing and visualizing your data? You just came to a right place, this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop is the exact course you need.

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About Microsoft Power BI course

This Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course is created in a collaboration with Maven Analytics, Chris Dutton and Aaron Parry instructors. In this course you will get over 11 hours of on-demand video guide, 15 articles, 13 downloadable resources and altogether 119 lectures. This course aims at teaching people everything they need to know about the Microsoft Power BI self-service business intelligence platform. Once enrolled, you will learn how to build a professional and intelligent report for you own business, you will learn how to deal with data in a fast and effective method, you will learn how to implement and use those common-used and high-demand B.I. tool preferred by those advanced analysts and data scientists. You will also be able to understand what a business intelligence workflow means. At the end of this course, you will be capable of mastering Microsoft Power BI, picking up business intelligence skills, developing advanced data modellings and starting a career in data analysis.

Course targets:

This Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course is intended for anyone who want to learn to master the Microsoft Power BI technology. Although you’re a student, analyst, or business owner, this Microsoft Power BI course will let you know more about the tools to be an absolute Power BI professional.

Course requirements:

This Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course doesn’t require any prior knowledge of Microsoft Power BI but the basics of Excel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX will be very helpful. If you are a complete beginner to the Power BI technology and want to learn it from an expert, then the Power BI course is for you.

Course content:

The Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course has an average 4.6 top-rating on Udemy, there are 119 lectures in total. Next, let’s see what you will learn from each lecture.

  • 6 lectures will tell you the course structures and outline
  • 7 lectures will introduce what Microsoft Power BI is, how to download it, and more about Microsoft Power BI interface and workflow
  • 22 lectures will teach you how to connect and shape with using Microsoft Power BI
  • 18 lectures will teach you how to use the Microsoft Power BI platform to create table relationship and data models
  • 26 lectures will teach you how to analyze data by using DAX calculations
  • 27 lectures will teach you how to visualization data
  • 5 lectures will tell you more about the artificial intelligence visuals
  • 3 lectures will sum up the course
  • 5 lectures offer you a bonus project.

More About Microsoft Power BI Desktop

What is Microsoft Power BI Desktop?In this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course you will get a good answer. Microsoft Power BI Desktop is installed by the people on their computers so that they can connect, transform as well as visualize their data. This is a free application which users can install on their computer. With the help of Power BI Desktop, users can get themselves connected with multiple sources of data and able to combine them into a data model. This process is known as data modeling. With these features, you are very much able to share some of the visuals with your colleagues with whom you are working in an organization. This also helps in building new visuals. People who are associated with business sectors use Power BI Desktop so that they can share their reports with other fellows effectively.

Features of Microsoft Power BI Desktop

In this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course, you will know the features of Power BI. There are some of the best features of Microsoft Power BI desktop. People who are associated with the business field prefer this platform to work and submit their reports to the higher officials as well as their colleagues. Here are some of the features:

  • Power BI Desktop is used by the users for the connection of the data.
  • Another best feature of this application is that it transforms and cleans the data so that a new data model can be created.
  • For the visual representation of the data, nothing can be best than this application. A large number of people associated with the business sector use this application for creating visuals, where charts and graphs are prominent.
  • Users can easily make reports collected from the visuals from this application. A report can be made on one report page or more than one report page.
  • By using the Power BI Service, reports can be easily shared with other individuals.
  • Business intelligence professionals are responsible for making reports regarding any firm. They always prefer this application to execute their task easily and efficiently.

These are some of the features of Power BI Desktop and that’s why a large number of users are using this application frequently for their works.

Power BI Desktop

You might be pondering over the fact that whether this application is free or not? You will be happy to know that the application is free and any of the users can download this best application for their work. You can download this application on your computer or you can use google play store for the download.

There are total of three views in Power BI Desktop which users can select on the left side of the canvas. The views are as Report, Data, and Model. These three views are important for executing any task on Power BI Desktop. Users can take advantage of these features while working on this application.

Microsoft Power BI Desktop is a highly specialized application which is used by business intelligence professionals to prepare their report based on visuals. Power BI Desktop is very much able to take data from various sources and build a data model. These models can be shared with the colleagues and the organization for which you are working. To learn more about the Microsoft Power BI desktop platform, we suggest you enroll in the Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course on Udemy.

What You Can Do with Power BI?

This Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course will tell you what you can do with Microsoft Power BI Desktop. Microsoft Power BI Desktop is one of the best applications for those who are working for any company or firm. The application will allow them to prepare their reports based on the visuals and the collected data. If you are using this application, then you will be able to connect with different sources of data and combine them easily. The process is known as modelling. This will help the user to send the collection of visuals to his colleagues and firm for which he is working. Overall, we can say that Power BI is a lifeline to the business intelligence professionals and analysts. Several works can be done with the help of Power BI.

What we can do with Power BI?

Here are some of the prominent things for which we use Power BI:

  • Power BI has impressive compressive abilities with the help of which a user can store a large amount of data that can’t be stored anywhere else. You can store data in this application so that you can further view it as well as analyze it. Most of the computers will struggle while opening a file of 300 MB. But if you are using Power BI, then all your data will be opened as well as visualized in just 50 MB.
  • A large amount of data can be displayed with the help of this application in just fraction of seconds. The data present on this platform can be viewed by using any dimension. Professionals who are working hard in this field are using this application for their work.
  • In Power BI, users can activate Row-level security features, which mean a lot to help the person who is sending the file to the concerned person. This security system allows the users to see the data relevant to them and hide everything else which is not associated with them.
  • Now there is no use of IT for the professionals as they can use this application for transforming, analyzing, and gathering the data. They can quickly work for that and spread the data among the executive of their organization for further processing.

These are some of the prominent things for which Power BI is used by most of the business associates and professionals. To learn more about Power BI, this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course will be a top boot camp.

Why Power BI is frequently used?

Answer to this question is very easy. This application is used frequently by most of the users because of its easy usage and accessibility. People who are associated with the business field are using this device so that they can execute their tasks at a small point of time so that they can engage themselves in other works. Microsoft Power BI Desktop is free for the users and you can download it on your computer.

Microsoft Power BI Desktop is a multi-tasking application used by the users to execute their task very effectively and conveniently. If you are working for any field and you have to make reports based on visuals, then this application will help you a lot in your work.

Is It Worth Learning Microsoft Power BI Desktop?

Is it worth learning and mastering the high-demand Microsoft Power BI tool? Yes, it is worth mastering Power BI just because of its smart features and functions. In this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course you will better understand this. The application is highly helpful to all the users who are just a beginner and just stepped into the world of business. The application will help the users in their every work and allow them to execute those works softly. The good thing about this application is that it is free and users will learn the features of this application by using it daily. As a businessman, if you are interested in knowing the performance of your business, then this application will help you in getting enough data that may fulfill your need regarding your business performance.

Why one should master Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft Power Bi is one of the best applications available for business associates and they should master this application to get frequent reports of the performance of their business. Here are some of the points which would be enough to exhibit the bright side of the application. One should master Microsoft Power BI because:

  • Microsoft Power BI is not like traditional BI. This application will allow you to make the analytic process easier and flexible. There are some of the pretty important tools present in this application which will help the non-technical users to use this application easily. There is no need to call any technical expert or IT department professional.
  • Earlier, when Microsoft Power BI Desktop was not available for the users, then users were taking a lot of time to execute the task. Now, we have Power BI which is enough efficient to save time and endeavor for the users. Those who have joined just are often in fear that they have to work a lot in giving shape to the data. This application will help the beginners to work smoothly and swiftly.
  • Another best feature of Power BI is its desktop application. It is also built into excel for which users should master this application for their effective usage. You can prepare as well as combine data sources while working with Power BI. This application is best for visualization and helps you a lot when you want to share it with other associates.
  • Reports can be also shared on the web via a web page that is Power Through the web you will be able to share the report with those whom you want to share those reports. If you are interested in knowing more about this, this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course will help you.
  • Many of the users are thinking that Microsoft Power BI is a new function, but this is not a new function at all. We all know Microsoft and Power BI is using PowerPivot as its business intelligence engine. This is an addition to excel in 2010 and it allows the users to hundreds and millions of data at a single point of time.

These are some of the attractive and prominent things for which a user should master himself in Power BI. These features are not new, as Microsoft Power BI is using PowerPivot as the business intelligence engine. If you are a beginner, then you should start using this application and master it as soon as possible. And this Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running With Power BI Desktop course can help serve as your guide.

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