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95% Off R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science Coupon

Advance Your Current Level of R Programming Skills, Get Well Prepared for Your Great Data Science Career

Take This Course for 95% Off Now!

The course titled ‘R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science‘ is more focused on the data science applications that can be performed with R. The R is one of the languages that are best suited for analytics-based tasks. This course is aimed at those who are strong with the basics of R and is strictly not for beginners. The course is aimed to focus on the areas that need analytics-based approach using R to solve some of the data science problems.

The course would like the candidates those who are not okay with basics to complete the course titled, “R Programming A-Z™: R for Data Science with Real Exercises!” First and then move on to this course. There are ample benefits that one can derive from this course that could fetch them some of the best jobs in the data science industry.

Udemy-A Brief Introduction:

Udemy is a massive open online course (MOOC), provider. The platform has over 55,000 courses in various disciplines. The courses are taught by professors from elite universities all over the world and professionals working in huge established firms and those who have carved a niche for themselves in their respective areas of teaching. One can take up some of the best courses at the cheapest rates from the best teaching faculty.

There are other MOOCs’ too, but very few provide such good service as Udemy provides to its learners. The R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science course instructors make sure that the course is taken in a very interesting manner. There are other MOOCs’ that offer courses, but the number of free courses that are offered by Udemy is so high when compared to the other MOOCs.’

The duration of the video lectures is also very large even though the price that is charged for the course is much lesser. The quality of teachers is given major importance as the students need to get the proper learning materials. Students receive a quick response in the comments section where they post their doubts and queries.

The certificates from Udemy increases one’s resume value as the recruiters are well aware of the fact that Udemy only imparts the current needs using some of the best approach methods.

Salient Features of the R Programming Course:

The following are some of the salient features of the R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science course:

  • 6 hours of interrupted video lectures
  • Certificate provided on the completion of a course that includes listening and recording of the video lectures and taking the assignments that are made available on the portal.
  • Supplementary study material apart from the video lectures that help the candidate to learn more about this concept.
  • The downloadable PDF material that holds the glossary of the main terms used in the Data Science concepts that are needed for R.
  • Enhances anytime, anywhere learning. Can be read on any digital electronic device with internet connection with a specified minimum amount of RAM capacity and the speed of the processor system used. The android phones, the electronic devices can be used.
  • The course once bought by paying a certain amount can be accessed for a lifetime. The course never gets expired or doesn’t throw a situation where the user isn’t able to access the lecture videos anymore.

Who can take up this R course?

  • Complete beginners who want to learn from scratch
  • The intermediate learners familiar with the basic terms and wish to get a broader and deeper understanding of the topic
  • The ones who already mastered many of the concepts and are willing to learn what they had missed out learning and to implement the current trends

The role played by Data Science here:

The small amount of data can be handled by DBMS frameworks and using the spreadsheets like Excel. The world had moved on from the times when humans used paper and pen to record the activities of the day. The paper and pen work was the prime tools that were used to maintain records. The records maintenance is an integral part of anything in this world.

The Excel is used to perform some basic operations on the data and to show the results in the form of graphs. Moreover, the excel cannot generate accurate results using any data. The analysis of the data was done by those who could perform calculations on the data that would yield valuable outcomes. The outcomes on which the organization could check the working conditions of the organization.

Topics that are covered in this course with their explanation

The R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science course runs for 6 hours, and the following topics are covered in this course:

Introduction to R:

Keeping in mind that already the users who have registered for this course, there is a small introduction that has been given in this course.

Concepts for analysis of data

The project for data science needs the preparation of data; the prepared data must be tested and then it should be reported.

Out of all these steps, the preparation of data consumes a lot of time. To reduce the time that is taken to prepare the data, a model is created and then it is reported.

The data preparation takes the data that has been provided, and the model can be prepared then and there. The complete.cases () is a function that is used to check for rows that have no missing values.

If there are no missing values, then the function returns a logical vector. The logical vector is used to indicate that there are no missing values.

Descriptive statistics for data preparation

First-hand tools give firsthand information like

  • Central tendency of data
  • Variation in data
  • Structure and shape of data tendency
  • Relationship study

Graphical as well as analytical tools are used.

Graphical tools:

Graphical tools are used to plot various types of plots

  • 2D & 3D plots,
  • scatter diagram
  • Pie diagram
  • Histogram
  • Bar plot
  • Stem and leaf plot
  • Box plot

Pie diagram:

A pie chart is a circle partitioned into segments where each of the segments represents a category. The size of each segment depends upon the relative frequency and is determined by the angle (frequency X 3600). Pie charts are used to visualize the absolute and relative frequencies.


The histogram is based on the idea to categorize the data into different groups and plot the bars for each category with height. The area of the bars (= height X width) is proportional to the

relative frequency. So, the widths of the bars need not necessarily to be the same.


Vectors, matrices, and arrays are that each of these types of objects may only contain one type of data. The lists can have different types of data that can be stored. The elements of a list can also be a matrix, and the elements can be represented by its elements. The list is created using list () function.

To access the elements of the list and accessing List Elements:

Elements of the list can be accessed by the index of the element in the list. In case of named lists, it can also be accessed using the names. For example, a vector may contain all numeric data or all character data.

A list is a special type of object that can contain data of multiple types. Lists are characterized by the fact that their elements do not need to be the same object types.  Lists can contain elements of different types so that the list elements may have different modes.  Lists can even contain other structured objects, such as lists and Lists can extract sublists.  List elements can have names.

Difference between a vector and list:

  • In a vector, all elements must have the same mode.
  • In a list, the elements can have different modes.

String vector

The elements of a vector can be named.

To define a factor, we start with a vector of values, a second vector that gives the collection of possible values, a third vector that gives labels to the possible values.

The factor function encodes the vector of discrete values into a factor and factor(x) where x is a vector of strings or integers.

If the vector contains only a subset of possible values and not the entire values, then include a second argument that gives the possible levels of the factor. To define a factor, we start with a vector of values, a second vector that gives the collection of possible values, a third vector that gives labels to the possible values.

The factor function encodes the vector of discrete values into a factor: factor(x) where x is a vector of strings or integers. If the vector contains only a subset of possible values and not the entire values, then include a second argument that gives the possible levels of the factor.

factor (x = character (), levels, labels = levels, exclude = NA, …)

levels: Determines the categories of the factor variable.

Default is the sorted list of all the distinct values of x.

labels: (Optional) Vector of values that will be the labels of the categories in the levels argument.

exclude: (Optional) It defines which levels will be classified as NA in any output using the factor variable.

Operations with Strings

We need formatting and display of strings to obtain the results of specific operations in the required format.

RStudio team

  • The RStudio team is the contributor to many codes of R packages and projects.
  • The users of R are accomplishing the great feat of science, technology, and other areas.


  • an opinionated collection of R packages
  • It is designed especially for data science.
  • All packages share an underlying philosophy and common APIs.

ggplot 2

  • An enhanced data visualization package for R.
  • To create great multi-layered graphics effortlessly.

Data Frames

Data frames are generic data objects of R, used to store tabular data. Data frames which allow creating recursive data structures.

A dataframe can also be created by reading data from a file using the following command

newDF = read.table(path=“Path of the file”)

In the path, please use ‘/’ instead of ‘\.’

Example: “C:/Users/hii/Documents/R/R-Workspace/”

A separator can also be used to distinguish between

entries. Default separator is space, ”

newDF = read.table(file=”path of the file”, sep)

To access the rows and columns in data frame

A separator can also be used to distinguish between entries. Default separator is space, ‘’

newDF = read.table(file=”path of the file”, sep)

A separator can also be used to distinguish between entries. Default separator is space, ‘’

newDF = read.table(file=“path of the file”, sep)

a subset () which extracts a subset of data based on conditions

Editing data frames

Data frames can be edited by direct assignment.

A data frame can also be edited using the edit () command.

Create an instance of the data frame and use edit command to open a table editor, changes can be manually made.

The commands c, cbind, vector and matrix functions combine data. Another option is the data frame.In a data frame, we can combine variables of equal length, with each row in the data frame containing observations on the same unit. Hence, it is similar to the matrix or cbind functions. The advantage is that one can make changes to the data without affecting the original data.

Steps to Install R

One has to follow the following steps to install R.

Step 1: Go to the to install R

Please make sure that you select the package compatible with your operating system

Step 2: Installation of RStudio

One should go to the to download RStudio

One should select the package that is very compatible with one’s operating system

Step 3: Installation of packages

  • Run RStudio and explore the environment
  • Install the following packages from the repository. One may use the install.packages() function available in R.
  • Run the following command

install.packages(<comma_separated package names>, dependencies = TRUE) in the R console

For example: To install packages plyr and dplyr, run the following command:

install.packages(“plyr”, “dplyr”, dependencies = TRUE)

Thus, these are some of the details about the course and why one should enroll in this course.

Tips: Look at the simple video, you’ll know how to redeem the R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science coupon for saving 95%.

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