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95% Off Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! Coupon

Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask!
Looking to learn the latest technologies in Python and Flask? Willing to be an expert in the amazing power of Python programming language? Or wondering how to pick up the latest cutting-edge features of the Flask web framework? So, we recommend you learn the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course on Udemy. No matter the professional level, this course will help you be able to create great websites with the sought-after development skills of Flask and Python. You can benefit from learning how to build amazing websites with Python and Flask. Whether a complete beginner, a seasoned programmer, or an intermediate web developer, this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will help you master the popular Flask framework and build up or level up your skillset of Python programming.

Time to hone your professional Python and Flask skills and techniques? Don’t miss out on the best deal to learn this Python & Flask course at its best price. You can click on ‘Take This Course Now For 95% Off!’ button to generate BIG savings, price will be dropped down at $11.99 only.
Take This Course Now For 95% Off!

Introduction to The Python And Flask Course

This Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course comes designed to help people learn all things for building websites with Python and Flask. You will get a depth learning of the amazing power of Flask framework in Python. The course is taught by Jose Portilla, who is a top-rated professional instructor for data science and programming, and has over 1,267,935 students on Udemy. Once joined, you will get over 20 hours of on-demand video, 3 articles, 3 downloadable resources, and 126 lectures. Through the instructor’s professional support and resources, you will feel more easier to get the most out of the course. Thus, if you would like to learn everything about Flask in Python but don’t know where to start, this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course is just right for you and help prepare you for success in being an advanced web developer.

At the beginning of the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course,you will learn how to build a solid foundations of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap 4. You will learn the skills and techniques you need to work with Python effortlessly in developing websites. You will learn how to utilize the Flask framework features to build basic landing pages, you will learn to understand the Python basics like an expert such as functions, decorators, object-oriented programming and more. You then will learn how to master Flask framework and use it as an ORM, you will learn how to structure a larger Flask application, you will learn how to build a fully functional websites using Flask. After that, you will also learn about the authentication and authorization with Flask. Finally, you will learn how to understand OAuth, how to create some easy REST APIs, and how to receive payments with Stripe and Flask.


No prior experience with Python and Flask required. The only thing required to learn this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course is the permissions to download Python on your computer.


Whoever you are, complete newcomers, experienced programmers, developers, or anyone who want to master the latest features in Flask and Python and create websites with them, this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will be a right choice.

Course content:

The Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course covers 126 lectures and new content will be added. Now, let’s see what each lecture is all about.

  • 5 lectures are course overview, including the installs and set up basics
  • 13 lectures provide you a crash course about learning HTML
  • 8 lectures provide you a crash course about learning CSS
  • 6 lectures provide you a crash course about learning Boostrap 4
  • 17 lectures provide you an overview of Python basics, such as Python data types, numbers, variables, strings, dictionaries, functions in Python and more
  • 11 lectures help advance your Python levels. In this part, you will learn the object-oriented programming, OOP projects, decorators, modules and packages
  • 7 lectures are all things about Flask basics
  • 8 lectures introduce the templates basics, template variables, template control flow, template forms, template exercises and solutions
  • 5 lectures introduce forms with Flask
  • 11 lectures introduce SQL databases
  • 3 lectures introduce the large Flask applications
  • 9 lectures introduce how to work with uses, how to use authentication, how to login Flask, how to migrate database with Flask migrate
  • 14 lectures provide you with a large project. You will learn to build a social company blog
  • 5 lectures introduce Flask REST APIs
  • 1 lectures is about deployment
  • 2 lectures introduce payment with stripe
  • 1 lecture to sum up the course

More About Flask

In this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course you will learn everything about Flask. A micro web Framework written in Python is called flask. It does not need particular tools and libraries that’s why it is known as a micro-framework. It doesn’t contain any database and its library does not provide any functions. Flask, however, supports extensions that look like it had in the flask itself. Extensions are used for form mappers, upload handling and other technologies. Extensions need to be updated more often than the flask itself.
About Flask

Flask was developed by Armin Ronacher on April 1, 2010. Its stable release was on July 8, 2019, three months ago. According to the developer Mr. Ronacher, its original idea was of an April fool’s prank but became popular and turned into a new application. Ronacher and Georg Brandl made a bulletin system written in Python which developed Pocoo projects and Jinja. Even if it was not a major released program it became quite famous amongst the people interested in Python.


There are two components of Flask web Framework, Werkzeug, and Jinja.

Werkzeug works as a library or a toolkit for Web Server Gateway Interface. It works for the request and response. It can be used to make a customized software program.

The other one is Jinja which is a template for the language of Python programming. It provides the templates for evaluation in the sandbox.

This Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will teach you the features of Flask. Flask contains features such as containing a development server. It also has a debugger. It has integrated unit testing support. Flask uses Jinja templating, support cookies and its Unicode. There are several options available for the editing of Python programs like a flask. People can use basic text editors like EMac and they can be elaborated by features of the extension.

It is one of the simplest platforms for the creation of web services with the use of Python language. The ease of learning makes it more proper to utilize. We will suggest you create some services of web development using FLASK.

Features of Flask

The design consideration of the flask was easy to use and extend. One of the most important things behind designing this framework is to build a solid base for different web applications which consists of numerous complex problems. There is freedom for building your modules. It enables you for almost all projects. Prototyping is the forte of the flask. It depends on two open-source libraries the jinja2 template engine and the Werzeug WSGI toolkit. In this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course, you will know all things about Flask from the ground up.

Following are the core features of flask:

  • Debugging effectively

The flask provides fast debugging. It provides optimal support as a computer program that has basic use for testing and debugging other programs or a specific target program.

  • Pre-installed development server

The built-in development provides an edge for the flask to comply with storage, development, and execution efficiently.

  • Effective and integrated support for unit testing

The test for the fitting to use through a computer programming which enables to test individual units of source codes, usage methods, assisting the associated control data and also all the operating procedures is unit testing. Flask provides a combination and alternative for good unit testing.

  • RESTful request dispatching

This is one of the vital advantages provided by the flask. It enables you to expose your database at the time of developing any application. It specifically uses the also enables to provide numerous resources and formats with a resource lookup for the database exposure.

  • WSGI 1.0 compliant

It also provides compliance with the web server gateway interface. WSGI enables the frameworks to simply help to web servers for forwarding requests to different web applications and frameworks which are written in the Python programming language.

  • Based on singular code

This framework is based upon unique code which acts as a singular code. It makes this framework better for working on different projects.
These are the most vital features of the flask which makes it very user-friendly.

Is It Necessary to Learn Flask?

When a person wants to develop something best, the person tries to make it cost-effective and understandable by all. This is the reason where Flask can help you in the development of APIs. The right framework to work with can turn on the flavor of creation. Flask is a micro web framework that is surely going to help a lot.

There are numerous reasons based upon that one can prefer learning Flask. We are going to mention a few of the reasons in this article so that it becomes easier for us to learn. To learn Flask like an expert, we recommend you try the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course.

  • It is simple and small

Being small and easy to learn, the flask is a great choice to start with. Any beginner can make use of Flask to implement things in web development. It ensures people the micro usage of it by keeping it to the point as it is a micro framework. There is nothing much to start working with flask. It intends to keep the core small but it is extensible when moving in depth.

  • Adaptability and extensible nature

There are python modules that add usefulness and make it adaptable application. The execution of Flask is of absolute minimum center oriented usefulness and gives you a chance to choose how you might want to broaden it. The expansions are inspected by the micro-framework centers group to guarantee that they don’t break your application. Additionally, these expansions all around reported so fusing them into your consistent application will make it exotic. So, do you want to learn more about Flask? the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course can help you.

These were a few features that make flask extraordinary to learn and implement in the field of web development. As python programming language is very simple and easy to learn, the same is with Flask. Just because python can be easily learned, the flask can also be learned easily. There are many resources available in the community for learning this. One can surely start their career with the usage of the flask in web development.

Flask and Jinja

In this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course you will also learn how to create templates with Flask and Jinja. The framework generally comes with a template that makes it easy for any programming language to deal with projects. Similarly, flask comes with a power-packed templating language known as Jinja. These both are used by the Python programming language as a framework and template. The real benefit of the software language is the package, Flask-Jinja.


Flask is a web framework written in a python programming language. It does not need any particular tool or libraries which make it a credible micro-framework. The absence of form validation, abstraction layer from the database, or any other components which lie in third party libraries makes it simple to the user. The interface provides ample orientation.

Flask is capable of providing extensions that enable us to combine additional features. Those extensions help in managing various frameworks of the project. Some of them are-:

  • Form validation
  • Upload handling
  • Open authentication technology
  • Common framework related tools

Moreover, the flask updates extensions far more before updating its core framework.


Wondering how to create templates with Jinja? Wondering to know more about Jinja? This Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will give you the best answers. Jinja is a web template for the python programming language. The licensing process of Jinja has been created by Armin Ronacher under a BSD license. This license makes it as open-source software without having many complications in redistribution. It provides python like expressions but it is tabulated in the sandbox. It is also able to generate any source code to mark-up for them. It is a text-oriented template for python programming language.

Below are some of the basic utilizations of Jinja in different projects.

  • Tags can be customized with Jinja
  • It helps to filter and test the source code
  • It allows the template designer to call the functions.
  • It helps the designer with different arguments.

This is the brief introduction of Flask and Jinja which provides an overview of different parts of a programming language.

Is Flask Good For Developing RESTful APIs?

This Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will teach you how to create RESTful APIs using Flask. Every web developer in this world wants to develop a website that costs minimal investment. We all want to gain knowledge about the service available on our development server. It is possible to make a website or application having RESTful APIs using FLASK. Nowadays, REST has appeared as an architectural design that seems standard for services of the web as well as for APIs.
This Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course is going to contain information about developing RESTful APIs with the help of flask. First, let us know about the RESTful API and flask in depth.
What is Flask?

Flask is a part of the framework that belongs to Python programming language that is helpful in the development of web pages. API stands for application programming interface and it is something that allows the software to talk to another. There are many APIs available but when we hear people talk about APIs of Twitter or Google, it is about Restful APIs.

What are RESTful APIs?

Rest APIs stands for representational state transfer application programming language. Usually, the rest APIs work similarly as a website does. We can make a call from a client to a server and we will receive the data back over the HTTP protocol.
According to the guidelines of REST, FLASK provides one of the best services in designing web services. Flask being a powerful framework written in python helps a lot. It makes the task simpler and easy to perform. As per the experience of developers, developing web services with the use of flask is very simple than building whole server-side applications.
There are many extensions available in FLASK which will help us to modify and maintain the requirement of the client through our creation. The small database development will be replaced by a list of tasks in the structure of memory. The implementation becomes easier when we use FLASK for developing RESTful APIs. To master everything about Flask, this Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course will be a good boot camp.
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Pursue an inspiring life and improve your abilities to create amazing websites with Flask and Python as a sought-after developer. Then what you need is the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course, taught by the well-renowned mentor and trainer of Jose Portilla, best-selling instructor on Udemy. The course provides you with the Python skills and Flask technologies you need to develop awesome websites. You’ll learn with the expert step by step, see how to work with Python and Flask effortlessly. By the end of this course, you will have the abilities you need to develop advance your Python & Flask skills so you can grow as a high-demand developer in the industries. So what you are waiting for? Join the Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! course today and begin your learning journey to arm your self and become better.

Tips: Refer to an easy video guide on how to use the 95% off Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! coupon as followed. Or you can click on the below button to redeem the code immediately.

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