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95% Off Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass Coupon

Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass Coupon
Take This Course Now for 95% Off!

The Best Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass Coupon

On this page, you can use the best Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass coupon to get the biggest discount of the year, learn the Adobe Illustrator CC course starting as low as $9.99 only. Illustrator is an industry-standard vector graphics software which can be used to create exotic designs and illustrations. Using the Adobe Illustrator CC software, logos, icons, sketches, typography, and illustrations for various media can be made. This also is why the Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course is so popular on Udemy. Knowledge of design tools and techniques gives you an edge in various industries. Adobe Illustrator can help in developing your creative ideas into wonderful designs. To use the Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass coupon immediately, click on the above button.

2020 version of the Adobe Illustrator CC brings some new features listed below:

  • A new freeform gradient type with rich colors and organic blends.
  • A versatile global editing feature which lets users select, find, and edit similar objects across different artboards.
  • Custom tool menu.
  • Direct integration with Adobe Fonts.
  • Illustrator now adjusts display as per screen resolution.
  • Adaptive zoom, which adjusts with the resolution of the display.
  • External graphics processing units support on Macintosh computers with macOS 10.13.14 and above.
  • Trim view which displays artwork in print preview mode suppressing all non-printing objects.
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes

The Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass – An Overview

MasterClass course by Martin Perhiniak on Udemy is very comprehensive. It starts with the very basics of drawing and working with shapes. It gradually moves to complex illustrations such as logos and business cards. MasterClass teaches the best ways to work in Illustrator for every design situation. Students will learn the following in very short time.
Adobe Illustrator CC

  • How to design professional logos
  • How to create vector illustrations which can be used for various design
  • How to turn photographs into vector
  • How to turn hand drawings into vectors and colorized traces
  • How to prepare graphics for platforms like the web and for print
  • How to design professional infographics
  • Working with type
  • Advanced Illustrator tools and techniques to save time
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Best practices

The Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass tutorial is designed in such a way that students can practice every lesson after completing a module with the given exercise files. They can also test their knowledge with quizzes at the end of each module.

What you will learn from the illustrator course:

At the end of the Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course, students will be able to adopt Adobe Illustrator as their primary tool for designing. Creating logos, T-shirts and digital images will become an easy task. The pen tool of illustrator is a powerful tool and can be used for converting custom hand-drawn designs to digital designs with great effects. Adobe Illustrator is an excellent software to create graphics for social media marketing. The artboard system can be used to create graphics of different sizes for a different social media platform. Social media graphics require knowledge of blending modes, cropping photos, typography, and layering which can be picked during the course.

What you want to know about the instructor:

Martin Perhiniak was voted one of the best Adobe instructors by students all over the world. Apart from the technical knowledge, Martin also teaches about basic design principles, techniques for compositions. Many best practices and exercises were picked up from Pixar’s movie “Cars” and “Toy Story”. The course shows all new features introduced in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 update.

The Adobe Illustrator CC course is top-rated on Udemy:

The Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course has a rating of 4.6/5 for 8000+ ratings received from 40,550 students who have enrolled worldwide. The course content is in the English language and subtitles are available in English and Italian. Shortcuts of various tools are shown during the videos for faster designing. The video contents are 1-20 minutes long and of high definition. The entire course duration is nearly 12 hours. Students can easily access the content using smartphones or tablets via Udemy app.
Adobe Illustrator CC Course
95% off Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass coupon is available:

The Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course is available for the US $9 as part of the Black Friday deal. The original price is the US $178. There is a 30 days money return guarantee in case you are not able to take the best out of the course. Once paid, the course is available for a lifetime and can be accessed using PC, smartphone and tablet apps. After the completion of the course, students get a completion certificate.

The students are expected to have a licensed version of Adobe Illustrator installed on PC or Mac, preferably CS6 or newer version. Illustrator CC (Creative Cloud) is the most suitable version for the lessons.

The Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass – Target Audience

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to get into the creative industry and gain a good foundation of Illustrator. It will be useful for experienced Illustrators as well who are self-taught users and are not aware of many techniques and features.

A student with no previous Illustrator experience can enroll and excel. This training course teaches you how to start using Illustrator and all the tools available. Also, it helps in understanding time saving and productive workflows.

This Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course is also suitable for those interested in design or art, who want to start their own business designs and those who are interested in designing and making illustrations and vector.

The content will build basic knowledge and skills and increase in difficulty with progression. A course worksheet is included which can be used to practice the lessons. Martin is available for discussions in case of any doubts related to the course or course material. Students are advised to practice and post their work in the discussion area for feedbacks.

Discover more design courses here:

Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass – Course Content

This Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course is updated to the latest CC 2018 features. It is divided into various modules. Let’s delve deeper to understand the course content.

The “starting” module begins with video content on “why use adobe illustrator?”. It is followed by a video on how students can get an Adobe certification. It ends with a lesson on changes in the interface. This module has an exercise file.

The certification exam consists of 30-40 question and the examination go on for almost an hour. It mainly has performance-based questions on topics like:
Illustrator CC 2020

  • Identifying design elements used when preparing graphics
  • Understanding abode illustrator
  • Creating and publishing graphics

Results are received immediately after the exam. An email with the certification softcopy is sent along with badges on Acclaim. This certificate can be used for resumes or creating portfolios.

The “basics” module contains lessons on illustrator documents, artboards, navigations, working with vectors, user interface, panel properties and settings. This module has a quiz of 12 simple questions.

This module focuses on the foundations of Illustrator. The concepts that are discussed are:

  • creating documents
  • working with artboards
  • navigation
  • advantages of working with vectors
  • user interface
  • settings

This module is useful for beginners as well as advanced users. These lessons can fill the gaps in understanding of the core features. The quiz questions are simple such as:

  • Native file format type of Adobe Illustrator?
  • What are the advantages of Illustrator over photoshop?

“Working with objects” module deals with basic shapes, transformations, selection techniques, object manipulation, and some best practices. This module has exercises and a quiz as well of 12 questions.

Although this module might seem relatively easy, it has many functionalities for complex designing work. The instructor talks about many tools for selecting objects and aligning them in depth. Sample quiz questions can be like:

  • What is the keyboard shortcut that constrains rectangles to be squares?
  • How can you change the measurement units of a document in illustrator?

In the “Appearance of Objects” module, videos on stroke settings, swatches, gradients and appearance panel, and effects are present. There are exercises and quiz at the end.

Sample quiz questions can be like:

  • Which tool can vary the profile of an object’s outline in illustrator?
  • Which feature of the illustrator can help you to quickly reassign the same look onto different objects?

Adobe Illustrator course
“Drawing” module has videos on basic drawing tools, coloring, pen tool, curvature tool, distort and transform tools. There are many exercises based on various tools and a quiz of 12 questions to test student’s learning.

This module has many video contents and focuses on single topics like coloring for a good duration of time. Quiz questions are like:

  • What is the keyboard shortcut for the Blob Brush Tool in illustrator?
  • Which feature acts like the Smooth Tool?

The “brushes” module deals with various brushes such as calligraphic, scatter, art, bristle, pattern, image brushes with a quiz at the end.

A lot of discussions are done on different types of brushes and how they can be modified for different purposes. Sample quiz question is given below:

  • Which brush category has the option to Stretch between Guides?
  • Which brush category has Angle and Roundness options?

“Images” module has video contents on working with images, tracing, improving and coloring traces followed by a quiz.

  • Which option should be enabled when tracing images with a blank white background?
  • Which tracing method is equal to the default tracing options in illustrator?

“Type” module deals with character formatting, paragraph formatting, text styles, fonts, SVG fonts, touch type, path, warping of text,3D text, outline for text, images within a text, text wrap followed by exercises and quiz.

This module has the second greatest number of video contents. They describe in great details how text can be used for illustrations. The end exercise deals with logo making with text elements. Sample quiz questions are:

  • Which tool allows you to rotate individual characters without losing the editability of the text object?
  • Which keyboard shortcut do you need to hold down while clicking on a shape if you want to run the text around it?

“Advanced Techniques” module is for students who have already learned the previous module and are ready for complex designs and illustrations. Contents on masking, clipping mask, opacity mask, recoloring artwork, paint bucket, envelope distortion, puppet warp, symbols, graphs, blending objects, creating patterns, gradient mesh, perspective drawing with exercises are present. There is a quiz with 12 questions.

This module has the highest number of video tutorials and shows some great technique to make creative designs. The questions in the quiz are like:
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020

  • Which tool can be used to create a transition from one object to another in illustrator?
  • Which option can keep the relation between colors within a selection the same while using Recolor Artwork?

“Export and Integration” module deals with saving work for print, web, for screens, Adobe apps. It tells about integration with adobe bridge, about CC libraries and how to achieve projects. There is a quiz at the end.

Quiz questions are like:

  • Which panel can be useful for exporting multiple parts of your design as separate files in adobe illustrator?
  • Which Adobe App is best for recording colors or objects around you and seamlessly incorporate them into your designs?

The second last module “CC 2020 New Features” has video content on freeform gradients, global edit, enhanced visual font browsing, improvements in user interface and viewing. There is no quiz for this module just explains what the new features in CC 2020 version and how they can be used.

“Conclusion” is the last module which has content on how to build your own portfolio and resources for the illustrator.

The resources given to the students are listed below:

  • Ace-exam preparation guide which provides links for examination and has many pages of illustrator tutorials and basic knowledge. It also talks about the syllabus and format of the examination.
  • A pdf file with all illustrator shortcuts which can come in handy during designing.
  • Some useful websites to learn more creative stuff.
  • Key terms and their definitions used by Creative Professionals.
  • Skillsets checklist for Creative Professionals.

Adobe Illustrator CC MasterClass Verdict

Once the students finish off all the modules, they will be able to use all the tools within Illustrator CC. They will be proficient enough to use the pen tool in Illustrator, use image trace to convert hand-drawn illustrations into a vector. Illustrators will be more productive, by using color management, masks, paths, vector shapes, typography.

Some of the unique things about this Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass course are

  • Good beginner level course as concepts are explained from scratch.
  • The curriculum is well structured with adequate exercise materials for gaining practical experience.
  • It is useful for experienced illustrators who want to learn new techniques and features.
  • Lifetime access and available on Udemy
  • Nominal pricing.

Theoretical lessons coupled with the assignments will help students to learn effectively. This Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass is indeed one of the best Adobe Illustrator tutorial available online.

Tips: Refer to a simple video on how to get the 95% off Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass coupon.

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