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95% Off Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals Coupon

Wondering How to Build A Solid Foundation of Blockchain Technology & Bitcoin In A Best-Selling Course? Step into the Cryptocurrency World Now

Take This Course for 95% Off Now!
The course titled, “Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals,” is a great course from the MOOC Udemy. The Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals course is a video lecture course presented by George Levy, and it is one of the best sellers in the section IT & Software, specifically Bitcoin.

The course has a duration of about 2.5 hours and has about 2 PDF files that can be downloaded and five supplementary materials to foster the process of learning. The course can be accessed for a life time, and the online test that is taken at the end of the course module will prove to be helpful for those who are planning to apply for jobs in this domain.

The certificate of completion can also be saved as a document for the future perusal of the candidate who is applying for the course. Users can the Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals coupon to have a very low price online. Just need click the above button to get started.

Udemy- A Small Introduction:

Udemy is a massive open online course (MOOC) provider, has over 55,000 courses in various disciplines taught by professors of elite universities from abroad and professionals working in huge established firms and those who have carved a niche for themselves in their respective areas of teaching.

Udemy holds a specialty that sets it apart from another MOOC is that one can take up some of the best courses at the cheapest rates from the best teaching faculty. The duration of the video lectures is also very large even though the price that is charged for the course is much lesser.

There are other MOOCs’ that offer courses, but the number of free courses that are offered by Udemy is so high when compared to the other MOOCs.’

Not just these, the interactive sessions by the course instructors make the learning even more interesting. The Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals course instructors make sure that the course is taken in a very interesting manner.

The doubts of the students can be clarified by using the comments section or ask a question in the forum, the mail Id of the teaching faculty is also provided that the students can mail the faculty and clear their doubts.

Why Should One Take Up This Blockchain & Bitcoin Course?

There are plenty of reasons on why one should take up this course on Udemy titled, “Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals.”

The hottest trend in the tech sector:

The course by Udemy on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Fundamentals Review is one of the most needed courses at this time. The course speaks of some of the most happening things in the market at present. The cryptocurrencies are ruling the market. The ones who had bought cryptocurrencies a few years back are now having a gala time due to the returns they got by investing in this course. There are so many cryptocurrencies that are available in the market now. The most common one is the Bitcoin.

The blockchain is the technology that is nothing but the ledger for cryptocurrencies. Even the governments that have banned the use of cryptocurrencies are eagerly waiting to adopt the system of blockchain technology to maintain the accounts. Thus, the learning of this course would enable one to grasp some of the latest technology that would secure them a job in the tough job market condition.

Materials to download

Apart from video lectures, a downloadable form of video lectures like the PDF format is also available that makes the taking of notes even more interesting and interactive. The PDF contains a glossary of terms that is the basics of the cryptocurrencies and block chain.

Cheap and best

There aren’t many MOOCs’ that offer courses that too at free of cost on the hot technologies that are ruling the market. The course Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals serves from Udemy serves this very purpose. As stated, the course is one of the best sellers under the IT and the Software Section’s Bitcoin zone that is provided to the learners at some of the best possible prices in the market.

Excellent teaching style:

The excellent User Interface/User Design Structure of the course, the content of the video lectures, the teaching style adopted, the lucidly presented concepts are some of the excellent teaching strategies that are adopted here to provide a great learning time to the user. These are few of the reasons why one should take up this Blockchain and Bitcoin course.

Salient features of the course:

The following are some of the salient features of the course:

  • 2.5 hours of interrupted video lectures
  • Certificate provided on the completion of a course that includes listening and recording of the video lectures and taking the assignments that are made available on the portal.
  • Supplementary study material apart from the video lectures that help the candidate to learn more about this concept.
  • The downloadable PDF material that holds the glossary of the main terms used in the cryptocurrency domain more about Bitcoins domain.
  • Enhances anytime, anywhere learning. Can be read on any digital electronic device with internet connection with a specified minimum amount of RAM capacity and the speed of the processor system used. The android phones, the electronic devices can be used.
  • The course once bought by paying a certain amount can be accessed for a lifetime. The course never gets expired or doesn’t throw a situation where the user isn’t able to access the lecture videos anymore.

Who Can Take up This Course?

The Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals course doesn’t throw any prerequisites or any age limit criteria for taking up this course. Anyone with enthusiasm to learn about the current trending technologies can take up this course. The basic knowledge of English Language and the method of handling the electronic device to access the website for learning is more than enough.

  • Complete beginners who want to learn from scratch
  • The intermediate learners familiar with the basic terms and wish to get a broader and deeper understanding of the topic
  • The ones who already mastered many of the concepts and are willing to learn what they had missed out learning and to implement the current trends

It is an interesting factor that most of the people who take up this course do not belong to the student community. This speaks to the quality level and success of this course. The people who have lost touch with studying also voluntarily take up this course.

They have provided excellent feedback on how they were able to grasp some of the new terms that made headlines in the papers and made them perplexed. The course has given them the confidence to speak to anyone about the terms that are the trend now- the bitcoins and blockchain technology with much ease and explain meticulously.

Topics Covered in the Course Module and Their Explanation:

The following are some of the topics that are covered in the course module. The concepts that are covered in the course module are given as follows. The explanations of the topics that are covered are also explained that makes it read-worthy.

The newcomers do not worry about anything as the course covers everything from scratch. The following topics covered in much detail in the course framework.

Basics of Bitcoins

The world is getting digitized. The digitalization is a new age concept that is being widely accepted by countries throughout the globe. Even the developing countries are adapting themselves to the concept of making payments in digital format. Cryptocurrencies are also, digital based.

  • The bitcoins are not associated with banks or government authorities
  • It helps the people who do not have a bank account to buy and transfer goods and services.
  • The bitcoins have no chances of being counterfeited and to be forged.
  • It has very secure networking methods like Proof of Work, Proof of Capacity, Proof of Stake being incorporated for high and tight secured transactions.
  • It felicitates more supply of coins to be mined.

Bitcoin Definition

Bitcoin is a digital currency that enables the people to buy and sell without the interference of banks.
Nakamoto designed software that will enable the computer scientists who have access to supercomputers and powerful computing machines to mine the Bitcoins.


The bit is known as the sub unit of bitcoin.

To set up a wallet and get started

Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin wallet refers to the wallet that is similar to currencies in the wallet. If the currencies are present, then one can use it. But it is not similar to credit cards where some extra costs are charged by the service providers. The private keys of the block chain allow one to spend the bitcoins. There are two types of Bitcoin Wallets Namely Software Wallet and web wallet.

To learn the nuances of investing in cryptocurrency markets

There are many differences between the usual currencies and the cryptocurrencies.

  • Normal currencies are held by the bank, and the bank is the regulator whereas the cryptocurrencies do are managed by a very small group of merchants.
  • The merchants are very strong in the core computing that helps them deal with the intricate process that is involved in the process of transactions.
  • The cryptocurrencies hold the value that is carried by lines of code. Whenever money is being transferred, different lines of code are designed to provide end to end encryption.

On considering the above factors, one can confirm that the cryptocurrencies can hold values of any forms. In a motive to have a more connected to the world, the cryptocurrencies can now store the values in the form of gold and different currency values that have different exchange values.

The cryptocurrencies are changing the modern world. Many institutes accept bitcoins, a famous form of cryptocurrency as their fee. There are also shops around the world that are accepting bitcoins as a mode of exchange for goods.

Blockchain Technology

To learn some of the commonly used terms in cryptocurrency language alien to the beginners and to implement them and its usage in real life applications like banking. The Blockchain is a technology whose basics are being taught in this course.


Blocks are recorded that is used to confirm the transactions. Once a block of the blockchain is completed, it moves to the next block. Each block of a chain represents each amount of transactions.

Block Chain

The blocks are arranged in a block chain in chronological order. The mining helps to append the block chain with new blocks to felicitate transactions. The chain concept prevents double spending. Double spending is a concept where the same bitcoins or cryptocurrencies are made sure that they aren’t repeated. The name of the recipients and addresses should differ.


The address of the bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies is similar to a mail address. The information for the place of sending and receiving of bitcoins are mentioned in the addresses of cryptocurrencies. The difference from the mail id address and other addresses from the cryptocurrency addresses are that the value of address is temporary. The address is different for each transaction, and it keeps changing to maintain security and anonymity.

Benefits derived by those who take up this course:

Bitcoins have no payment reversals and low transaction fees. The course deals with the complexities involved in the cryptocurrencies, states methods to simplify them.

The following are the benefits of this coursework.

  • The course framework would help one to invest strategically in cryptocurrencies.
  • The course framework helps to analyze the cryptocurrencies landscape.
  • A basic idea of the cryptocurrencies and their working
  • To have a basic understanding of the blockchain technology
  • To set up a wallet

If you’re interested in AI, data science, deep learning, the following top-rated courses are highly recommended:

 Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI
Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science
Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks

At Last

Overall, the coursework proves to be pocket-friendly as well as beneficial to those who are enthusiastic about bitcoins. This is a not to be missed option for today’s market conditions and to invest smartly.

The Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals course taught by experts in the domain helps the candidates to get a deeper understanding of bitcoins and its functions in the present scenario. The recent news on the Ransomware Wannacry has created havoc on people.

The payment to pay in bitcoins left many perplexed on what is a bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and the usual payment system and the bitcoin has an entirely different procedure to follow. The currency value of cryptocurrencies also drastically varies when compared with the usual currencies of the world.

Extra Tips: Don’t forget to use the Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals coupon code at checkout to have a price as low as $9.99. Refer to a simple video guide  to redeem the coupon with ease.

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